Well the pictures I took today
definitely merited a blog posting so here goes:
Kaylee is absolutely obsessed with outside now. She's thrown several fits (how
un-Kaylee like) when it has either been time to come in from outside or if Mommy deems it too wet/dreary/windy/cold to go out in the first place. And today, despite some wind, we spent a good amount of time outside, traversing our backyard and playing on the slide, which Kaylee has now almost mastered on her own.

She's got the climbing up part down.

She usually gets stuck at the top, one leg down and the other leg caught behind her.

But all she has to do...is flash Mommy that winning smile...

and maybe ask for a little help. And Mommy straightens both legs...so down she goes!

Last Friday was not looking very nice out so we headed to the kid's museum in the morning.
Kaylee found her rocking horse. (Surprise, surprise)

Then she donned a hard hat and got to work (they're building a new exhibit at the museum, and it looks like its going to be a barn/farm play area.) Kaylee just wanted to help.

Then she was over to the gear toys...our little
OCD girl likes to match the colors of the gears in stacks...but the fact that she likes the gear toys at all is so very Daddy-like.

She also played with the rice box and looked at the birdies for a little while before we decided to get going.

After we left the museum it was still pretty dreary but we were close to the park so I had to let Kaylee get a little swinging in before the rain started. You know how she loves the swings.

So we swung...

and swung...

and swung!
Whoo! What a day!
Oh, and here's a cute picture of Petra cuddled up with one of Kaylee's bears, we thought that was noteworthy, especially since
Loofy has been getting most of the canine
candids lately.

That's all for now! Ultrasound on Thursday...we'll know if Kaylee is getting a sister or brother:)