Monday, April 28, 2008

if you don't like the weather...

...just stick around a few days. Good ol' New England. The last week in weather has gone from high 80s last Wednesday/Thursday to low 50s today. You can see Kaylee's wardrobe is just all over the place. Today since it was raining a lot, we got to use her nifty little ladybug raincoat...with matching rainboots.
She looks thrilled, yes? I bought the jacket a little big, hoping to get to use it at least 2 seasons...we shall see.
On Sunday, Kaylee and I headed to our friend's house up the street to give Daddy a little time to get some homework done. (We can't wait for Daddy to be done with his Masters...the end of June can't come soon enough.) Anyway, Kaylee hadn't been able to see Bailey in a long time and both of them had a lot of fun. After breaking up a fight over the wagon between the girls, they did agree to take Kaylee pulled Bailey around.
And then Bailey pulled Kaylee around.
Then both Kaylee and Bailey pushed little brother Sam in his swing.
Bailey's Mommy had a really nice lunch for the girls, topped off with a cupcake they got to decorate themselves. Kaylee bypassed the frosting, but she sure did like those sprinkles.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. "Nummy!" she proclaimed.
"What do you mean, 'all done' Mommy?" she asked. "I want another!"
On Friday we visited Grammy & Grampy and Auntie Jacqueline. Grammy & Grampy presented Kaylee with a larger than life new baby doll. Kaylee insisted new giant baby watch Sesame Street with her. I personally think the doll is a bit creepy looking, but hey, Kaylee loves it and its her opinion that counts here.
"Hey, I heard that Mommy. My dolly is not creepy looking!" "OK...well maybe she is a little, but not so much creepy, as me!"
"See? Don't I look silly!?"
Kaylee was standing behind me here so I flipped the camera and tried my hand at taking a blind shot; I think its pretty cute.
Last Wednesday was hot hot hot, so we had our summer garb on and spent some time outside. Kaylee was definitely her Mommy's child though. She only lasted about 20 minutes in the hot sun...but that was fine with Mommy who doesn't like the humidity either.
Kaylee is already learning how to entertain the puppies. She played ball with Loofy for a little while. As Kaylee's throwing arm improves, Loofy will probably enjoy himself a little more...
Kaylee also explored the sand and water table that Great Grandma Mitzi bought her last year for her birthday. At the moment, it only has water in it as I haven't procured any sand yet, but we have all summer for such trivial things!
Kaylee liked splashing around at the table.
She liked playing with the toys it came with.
I am not sure how she felt about the photo shoot she was subjected to though.
Kaylee got soaked and Mommy learned an important lesson; when playing at the water table...
...wear a bathing suit. So when we went back outside later that afternoon for another 20 minute stint in the sun; Mommy had moved the water table to a more level surface and made sure Kaylee was in the appropriate attire.
"Thanks Great-Grandma, this toy sure should provide me with hours of fun this summer!" Kaylee says.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Ciao.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

weekend update

Alright, as promised here are a spattering of cute pictures taken over the last few days:
First of all I know you've all seen pictures of Kaylee on her slide, and on her slide in sunglasses...but now...she's on her slide, in sunglasses, and in pigtails!
Come on now...that is cute!
Here she is in our swing/lounger type thing...that really ought to be thrown out...but she likes it, so we're holding off.
On Friday it was near to 80 degrees so we broke out some summer-like clothing and headed to the mall to buy Kaylee the mary-jane type crocs I wanted for her. We also had to play with the digital ground display while there...
"Hey Daddy! Check this thing out!" she said.
"The virtual balls run away from realistic," she exclaimed.
As you can see, Kaylee was very entertained.
And very excited to play with the multitude of screens the display provided in loop.
After the mall, we headed to the playground, to break in our new sandals and to soak up the sunshine.
Kaylee tried the rocking horse...surprise surprise.
And what a big girl she is now, climbing up the big slide and going down all by herself.
We definitely like this park a little better than Humphrey Park, its smaller, but the toys and stuff are more geared toward smaller children.
Kaylee had to try out the swings of course...and Daddy agreed to push her.
"Higher Daddy!" she ordered.
"Whoa, maybe that's a little too high," she thought.
Kaylee wore this cute little outfit on Thursday...and I just loved it so I took some pics that I thought came out pretty darn cute, so I thought I share them as well.
She really has great eyes, I have a feeling both Mommy and Daddy (but especially Daddy) is going to be in trouble soon.
And there is a very timely update:)

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Introducing...ok, well we have a lot of names...but, its a girl!
Daddy and I don't believe we can properly name a child (or dog or anything) until we meet them. So, just like last time, we will have a list when we enter the hospital, but we won't decide on a name until after we see her. To my memory, Kaylee was not even in our top 5 names last time (I think it was #6--but Daddy insists it was #4), but when we saw her, Kaylee just felt right, so Kaylee she is. We're hoping this baby inspires us as well.
Here's the profile of the next little munchkin.
And here's a front view looking at her face...nice skull eh?
I took a ton of cute pictures of Kaylee yesterday at the park; it was so nice she was wearing summer clothes! However, I am just not ready to DL them from the camera yet, so you'll have to wait. Hopefully I will get them up tomorrow. Until then...

Monday, April 14, 2008

the last few days

Well the pictures I took today definitely merited a blog posting so here goes:
Kaylee is absolutely obsessed with outside now. She's thrown several fits (how un-Kaylee like) when it has either been time to come in from outside or if Mommy deems it too wet/dreary/windy/cold to go out in the first place. And today, despite some wind, we spent a good amount of time outside, traversing our backyard and playing on the slide, which Kaylee has now almost mastered on her own.
She's got the climbing up part down.
She usually gets stuck at the top, one leg down and the other leg caught behind her.
But all she has to flash Mommy that winning smile...
and maybe ask for a little help. And Mommy straightens both down she goes!
Last Friday was not looking very nice out so we headed to the kid's museum in the morning.
Kaylee found her rocking horse. (Surprise, surprise)
Then she donned a hard hat and got to work (they're building a new exhibit at the museum, and it looks like its going to be a barn/farm play area.) Kaylee just wanted to help.
Then she was over to the gear toys...our little OCD girl likes to match the colors of the gears in stacks...but the fact that she likes the gear toys at all is so very Daddy-like.
She also played with the rice box and looked at the birdies for a little while before we decided to get going.
After we left the museum it was still pretty dreary but we were close to the park so I had to let Kaylee get a little swinging in before the rain started. You know how she loves the swings.
So we swung...
and swung...
and swung!
Whoo! What a day!
Oh, and here's a cute picture of Petra cuddled up with one of Kaylee's bears, we thought that was noteworthy, especially since Loofy has been getting most of the canine candids lately.
That's all for now! Ultrasound on Thursday...we'll know if Kaylee is getting a sister or brother:)