Today was kind of a surprise its a nice day sort of a day. We were expecting some stereotypical April dreary when the dawn broke with bright sunshine and even some unexpected warmth, we had to take advantage of it. So we decided to check out a local state park for stroller friendly hiking trails!
We were in luck, because we found some. Doesn't Rowan look enthused?

Well, she might not have been excited, but she at least cooperated for the duration.

Kaylee started out with great gusto, running hither and thither. (I don't think I ever thought I would use that phrase!)

However, as the minutes rolled by and the scenery didn't change too much...Kaylee started to wonder what she had agreed to.

But she's a trooper so she kept going, always curious as to what would be around the next bend.

But the spring in her step started to get a little smaller eventually...

Daddy is always helpful in getting Kaylee motivated to keep going. The conversation was spirited. Kaylee
regaled us with many songs, like "B-I-N-G-O."

And she even snatched up some Daddy-Daughter time as they discussed nature and what not.

Eventually she grew tired though, and since we didn't think the trail was double-stroller friendly...she was S.O.L. and so was Daddy who offered her a shoulder ride for a little while so she could at least rest her weary little legs a little bit.

But she soon found reason to walk again. Sticks...erm...I mean swords! "By the power of Castle

Here she was practicing a jab for her future career as an Olympic Fencer.

She studied her weapon as we continued our march.

And again, she had a lot of things to say to her Daddy.

But don't forget about Mommy...she had lots of things to tell Mommy too. Like about the cool stick..erm...I mean sword she had found.

On our way back along the trail, Kaylee felt sure she knew the way and so blazed bravely forward.

She had some time for some one-on-one with Mommy too. We sang, "The Farmer in the Dell" which she knows all of thank you very much.

She and Mommy played some airplane...who would ever think to look for airplanes flying through the woods?

Kaylee is a very good airplane...she comes complete with sound effects.

She climbed a rock towards the end of our hike...just to prove that even after 45 minutes of hard
hoofin'-it...she still has plenty of energy.

Tada, I did it" she proclaimed.

I highly recommend a nice mid-morning hike to parents with toddlers...Kaylee crashed hard for her nap at not only is hiking good practice for the walking Kaylee will have to endure in Disney in September...but it is a great way to ensure a nice nap!