Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I was so proud of Kaylee and the Happy Birthday Sign she made for Daddy. She did everything on the sign except the heart, Rowan's name and the strings on the balloons--including the balloons themselves. I obviously helped her spell, but those are all her letters!
She really loved Daddy's Ice Cream Birthday cake. She literally licked the plate clean.
Rowan wasn't quite as into the cake as her big sister but she was still willing to partake.
This was this past Wednesday as we got ready to leave for dance class. Kaylee practiced some of her moves in her puddle boots.
This is 2nd position...not great turnout but what do you want from a 3 1/2 year old in rain gear?
Tondue. That's probably spelled wrong and I don't care...because its French.
Phew we made it to dance class, Kaylee gets her tap shoes on in the lobby.
Rowan donned some snazzy footwear of her own (thanks Great Uncles Chuck and Buddy) and did some of her own dance moves in the lobby.
Kaylee dashed into class as soon as the door was opened.
And when she came out she had transformed into a fairy princess! Her recital costume was revealed.
Kaylee and her 'old' buddies Emily and Emma.
Kaylee and some new buddies: Gianna and Darby.
Wow, I am so on top of things! Daddy's birthday was yesterday and these pics were taken on I am giving myself a thumbs up for the week.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Top of the morning

For this Italian Jew, St. Patrick's Day is a big deal. I am trying to be funny, but I really have embraced my husband's side of the family in terms of heritage. I love the Irish culture, so I am fully willing to submerge myself in it, even if it is via my children. We had a very busy St. Patrick's day this year, and what better way to celebrate than matching shirts? Hey, are they both looking at the camera?
Well, that moment passed quickly, but I do like Ro's smile here.
And hey, Kaylee smiling too with her eyes open!
That afternoon we had a party to attend. Rowan loved the shamrock cookies.
Kaylee had a blast coloring and decorating shamrocks.
Then it was time to head outside to enjoy this unseasonably fantastic weather! The older kids ran around while Rowan rallied her pals to a rousing round of Ring-a-Round the ROsie...
naturally one of her favorites.
We all fall...DOWN! p.s. interesting point of fact: when Rowan requests this game she says: "ashes"
Time for some merry-go-round action. I was brave and actually allowed Rowan to participate this time thinking that she was a) old enough to understand the instructions: "hold on with both hands" and b) Kaylee was there to ensure she followed instructions.
If you click to enlarge these next few pics you'll see the expressions of pure joy on Kaylee's face.
You'll see pure joy and admiration on Rowan's.
A genuine candid Kaylee smile.
And my new favorite picture of the girls came on St. Patrick's Day. What Luck!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

quick visits

On Saturday, we struggled through the rain To Meme's and then to Ba's house.
At Meme's the girls had a great time playing with the cat Zeke (when Daddy had the dogs cornered so they couldn't torture the poor thing anyway!)
Poor Zeke was definitely not used to the quick movements of young kids, but the girls had fun looking for him under the bed.
Then it was off to great-grandpa Ba's house.
Kaylee shows Ba her caterpillar toy.
Rowan had plenty of fun with the keyboard.
And while dinner was being prepped (read: pizza was being picked up) the girls watched Curious George on Ba's rocker.
It was a great visit! Now off to another busy week!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Catch up

OK, I am hoping I will start posting more regularly, now that we have a desk top on our living floor and not just in our freezing basement. However, as another excuse, I only DLed these pics a few days ago and the vast majority of them were taken within the last 4 days (which is part of the reason I hadn't DLed any in a while) but's a bunch which should satisfy the itch!
Daddy, Rowan and Kaylee on the recliner. Hey 2 out of 3 looking at the camera ain't bad!
Daddy reads to his favorite girls.
Outdoor Baby Magazine cover anyone? This was taken at the park just on Sunday! A new fav for sure.
The light was perfect for lots and lots of pics.
Here's Kaylee with her pal, Bailey at the park.
Kaylee tries out the twisty slide.
She had a blast racing around with Bailey.
They hatched a plot to go down the slide. 1...
3... To reiterate how much we love our camera. We literally took 13 pics of the few seconds it took them to get from the top to the bottom. Be thankful I scaled it down for you.
Rowan was really digging the slide as well.
Check out the elation.
As an adult, I think we forget how much fun slides and swings are. I had a nice reminder of that this winter while sledding with Kaylee. Being a kid is fun!
Rowan and Kaylee chill out on the couch.
Isn't Rowan nice sharing her toys?
Is it bad that I like this picture? Does it help at all that she was TOTALLY faking this?!
A moment before the camera appeared, Kaylee and Rowan were being really cute together right on the couch arm. Obviously that all changed in an instant.
This was the cutest it got after the camera was ready.
Oh well, it was worth a shot.
Rowan is getting into dressing up with her sister these days, and she really loves doing Kaylee's dance moves with her. She even says some of the terms which I can't spell in French so I won't bother trying.
I need to be better about doing video, as Rowan was dancing all around here which is not easily perceived through stills.
My little devil smiles.
We introduced Rowan to her first real art project this weekend as well. Shaving Cream finger paint. Kaylee is an old pro at this so she dug right in.
Rowan, was not so sure, so she remained cautious.
Kaylee shows off her masterpiece...
her hands!
Rowan mimics big sister.
"See I have a little on my hands too!"
All in all, a huge success!
Today, we went outside to enjoy the sun. We play a variation of hopscotch where we draw lots of shapes (and now write the names in them for Kaylee's benefit) and then call out the name of a shape and have the girls find it and jump to it.
Rowan was pleased at her first attempt at side walk art.
Loofy definitely loved the extended outdoor time today.
So did Petra, who surveyed her kingdom from the ledge.
She still thinks she's a puppy though, I have a bad feeling that this is going to end in a large vet bill someday :(
Rowan plays peek-a-boo ion the playhouse.
And discovers we have a slide in our very own yard!
Kaylee was really happy to be able to get to the swingset again.
And as always enjoyed playing in the playhouse.
And that's about the size of it. That's literally everything off the camera and takes us up to about 5 hours ago!