This update is massive, but I just wanted to get it all done. We've done a lot in the last few weeks. I tried to go in mostly chronological order. We started our adventure with the Kids Bowl Free Program. Grant and I signed ourselves up and for a total of $25 we all get 2 free games of bowling games throughout the summer and through most of October. Not a bad way to spend a rainy day. This was our first attempt. Rowan just really liked chasing the balls as they were returned.
She would roll the ball so slowly that it literally took minutes for it to reach the pins. (What this did was allow 2 games of bowling to last more than 2hours!)
But she was pretty excited when the ball finally hit the pins!
Kaylee was more self-sufficient...really she would not accept any help at all.

She had it all under control.

While her ball didn't take quite as long to reach the pins as Rowan's...she could have used a bit more speed. Regardless, this was a great deal and the girls had a blast. We can't wait to go again.
Next up, our first family beach trip.

Love this shot of both girls.

They had fun collecting snails and playing in the water.

Look at my little daredevil, going all the way out to chest height in the water. Whoever says 'relaxing trip to the beach' doesn't have children!

Our tech
savvy Daddy's girls.
Ok this set of picture requires an explanation. There is an episode of Curious George that has an elephant that paints with her trunk. So when I came around the corner to find Kaylee putting paint on her nose, I asked her why.

She said, "I am painting with my nose like George's elephant, Mommy!" Naturally I should have been able to figure that out myself.
I took the girls Strawberry picking at a local farm on Monday. They had a blast.

Kaylee was very proud of her work.

The girls picked a whole pound almost exclusively by themselves.

On Wednesday we journeyed up to
Storyland. The girls loved it and Kaylee has asked on both subsequent days if we could go back.

The girls and the spider from Miss

Daddy took the girls on the Swan Boats.

Once again, the girls loved the Tea Cups.

The Dutch Shoe ride (think Dumbo) was a big hit too.

Cinderella's pumpkin coach brought us to meet...

Cinderella! Rowan gave Cinderella 'the look' when Cinderella asked her hold her hand, but other than that it went really smoothly.

Then it was time to ride the

and who doesn't like a good old fashioned German Carousel?

Kaylee had a blast, waving to her subjects.

The tiger merry-go-round was a big hit.

The ball pit was awesome, the girls had a blast and my
scrapbooking brain kicked in...can't wait to scrap this.

Believe it or not the best pics we took were actually on our cell phones which we haven't downloaded yet.

But they make for good
screen savers in the interim.

The had a 'ball.' Get it?
Nyut nyut nyut. (Hey, I know I am lame, yet here you are reading my blog again!)

Look its a sweet Kaylee Pie.

And a scrumptious Rowan Pie.

The Loopy Lab was a lot of fun.

We spent a lot of time in here, Kaylee did a good job exploring all of her ball throwing options.
Rowan, on the other hand...

was content to play with this 1 vacuum the entire time we were in there.
And finally, last night was the girls first Fun Run at the High School's track.

The girls get numbers and every Thursday night, for the price of a canned good donation to the community food bank, they have an age appropriate race.
At the end of the 7 week session they get a T-shirt and a medal and each week they complete a race, they receive a ribbon. It was a blast and it teaches the girls that running is fun and the importance of donations.

Just before the races began it started to rain. We were worried they were going to cancel the event, but just in time, the sun came back out and a rainbow smiled down on our event.

Rowan's age group does the 50 meter dash and she got to race with her pal Shelby. This is really little more than somewhat organized chaos and kids running across the grass to the their respective parents.

Rowan wasn't so sure about the race, but she was quite proud of her ribbon.

Kaylee got to race with her pal Jordyn.

She brought up the rear of her pack, but she doesn't understand competition yet so we were just glad she had fun.

We were happy to cheer her on.

Well that's about it. We actually took the girls to the Children's Museum in Boston today but we didn't bring the camera thus that is all I have to report/post on for now.