Hey, what do you know, blogspot let me post pictures again. And what a great time!
I have been trying for a while to get a post up, but have been unsuccessful for several weeks. Looks like whatever bug was in the system has been exterminated.
Anyway, not in a huge mood, but had to share these shots of our studio pics taken today for the upcoming 2nd and 4th birthdays.
This is my favorite...I LOVE this.

And the B&W version too!

They both behaved beautifully, I was so impressed and proud.

I can resist the matching outfits on picture day...these are borrowed of course. I wouldn't spend money on matching outfits since I don't generally have them wearing them, but I have many friends who do.

Fakey smile from Kaylee, but still cute.

Love this, so cute!

My little charmers totally hoodwinked the photographer too.

She thought they were great...I wonder why?

Love sepia.

My big little cutie.

Why can't I ever take a picture of Kaylee with her eyes open like this? We bought a big expensive camera to keep up with munchkins but in 85% of them Kaylee's eyes are closed or she looks inebriated.

No one would ever guess that for Kaylee...the terrible 2s came late...the terrible 3 1/2s!

Perhaps my favorite solo shot of Kaylee.

I am Kaylee, so what, you wanna fight about it?!

Infectious giggles.

Kaylee looks pleased? yes?

Probably my favorite solo of Rowan.

I wish she wasn't pulling her eye a little here, because otherwise I love this one.

Also, very good solo of

Well, now that I seem to be able to post again, I might try to do a recap of August, but no promises...it might just be easier to go forward from here. Sorry for the long break!