Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Its a BOY! :)

Everything measures wonderfully. There are 10 fingers and 10 toes. Spine is straight. Heart-rate is good. Everything that can be told just by looking is fabulous.
I don't know if you can read the little messages my US tech was writing on these, but she's done all but 1 of my ultrasounds now for all 3 pregnancies...we've developed a relationship; she's a hoot.
And there's the proof. Even I, who has been known to smile and nod and pretend I can see what is being shown to me could see it pretty clearly.
We're 20 weeks along, so less than 20 weeks to go to meet our contribution to the male Gifford line!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Rowan starts gymnastics!

Like her sister before her, Rowan has started gymnastics at the tender age of 2. She had a lot of fun in the foam block pit.
Here is her teacher, Miss Kara, teaching her how to do a somersault (which they call 'tada'-rolls.)
Her favorite part, by far, was the trampoline!
What 2 year old doesn't like to bounce!

Kaylee goes to Pre-K

On September 13th, Kaylee started pre-K. We had a bit of a rocky start, but thing seem to be progressing nicely.
Kaylee loves her purple backpack.
Rowan, who is very into dress-up now, was more excited for pre-K than Kaylee was.
In fact, she thought/thinks she is going to school too.
However, there were no tears at drop-off, which was pretty good and Kaylee produces a lot of art there every time.