On Monday, Rowan officially turned 3! It has gone by so fast.

She took a deep breath...

and blew out her candles:)

Cupcakes, yum!

Kaylee didn't mind partaking in cupcakes either.

No cupcakes for Leo, but he smiled through the hullabaloo. Next year, buddy. Kaylee turns 5 next week. We are having a combined birthday party for them with all their little friends this weekend--pictures will follow.

Leo on his outside swing...

Such a happy boy.

Our trip to Santa's Village, on August 22

The girls and their friend Sophie ride, the big guy's version of a carousel...no horses need apply.

Kaylee's classic favorite ride.

Bugger, she's such a ham.

A reindeer and a
brontosaurus met one day...

The penguin trash cans. Even better than the garbage
receptacles at Disney.

Kaylee bravely feeds the reindeer.

Sophie and Kaylee learn to fly a sled.

Rowan, Mommy and Leo went to sled driving school too.

I had to put Leo next to me on the bench for the ride or the bar wouldn't come down, it was pretty interesting, but I think he liked it, and I KNOW Rowan did.

Clearly she pays attention: Keep your hands and arms inside the sled at all times, ahem!

Our final swimming class was on August 17

Kaylee did great, I will definitely do lessons here again next summer, the key is 4 days in a row to build on their confidence.

And as a special celebration...Kaylee finally agreed to fly.

Rowan didn't really want to, but she'll do anything for her Miss Kara.

And lastly, the girls had 2 backyard camping adventures this year...they really like that tent sleeping (they did not get that from their mother.)

Grant even had them helping him set up the tent.

Child labor at its best.

And that about wraps up our month.