Sunday, February 25, 2007

My poor baby!

Well the fever has been gone, but the breathing continues to be burdened and the cough was getting worse. So we took her to the doctor, turns out she has pneumonia. So I am really glad we brought her in. So she's on anti-biotics, and tylenol at night to help with what the doctor presumes is an achy body. We set up the humidifier in her room as well to hopefully help things. Her nose is still a fountain and she is miserable and I feel horrible because I can't help her. To make matters worse, I am afraid she's made me sick...and I can't take anything because I am still breastfeeding and the doctor thinks if I can, I should try to continue to breast feed as it may help her to heal more quickly. So I am conjested and rather miserable myself and trying to take care of a conjested and miserable infant.
She's such a trouper baby ever! And I am not just saying that...she's been so good through this whole thing. I don't know what I did to deserve such an angel!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I hate when she's sick!

The poor thing. She can't even really breathe...therefore she can't even really sleep, which is really what she needs.
Every time she goes to take a breath, she gets woken up by her clogged nasal passages.
She is a veritable fountain of boogies, and about every 3 1/2 hours her fever rises again (note the tylenol wears off every 4 hours, don't think that fact has been lost on me.)
She is currently sleeping and has been for approximately 4 minutes...which is one of her longer stretches since midnight last night. I am really hoping she can just sleep for a while, I think that will help her more than anything!


Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. Kaylee got sick for the first time last night. She was having trouble breathing and woke up every hour or so just for that. She sounded really conjested and had a runny nose. I felt so bad, she was clearly miserable. Then at 4am--she spiked a 102.3 degree fever. We called the doctor and gave her some tylenol and she is doing better now. But she is exhausted. This is a little girl who has been sleeping at least 10 hours at night for a very long time...and last night she had very broken sleep so I imagine today is going to be tough. We're monitoring her fever carefully to make sure it stays low and making sure she's eating enough and everything. Poor thing. Wish me luck exhausted as she is...I am even more so (as is poor Grant.) More later.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another Day Off

Well, today is another inpromptu day off. It took me 45 minutes to even get to the highway today, and once I got on the was closed due to a jack-knifed tractor-trailer. So I tried to get onto the only alternate route I know of...and that was also closed. So I though, if all these roads are closed its because the roads are bad...and today is one of the days my parents get Kaylee, so she was going to be taking the commute with I called my boss. He was really nice about it...which helped my guilt.
And now I get another day with my bug.
I can't express how much I am enjoying my time with her now. Even though I have only been at work 1 1/2 days--it has made me appreciate every moment that much more.
So I thought I'd share some more recent photos:
Here is Kaylee in her exersaucer. She's just now finally moving around it a bit more. Last month when we'd put her in it, she'd just kind of lean forward and look helpless. Now she stands up and can turn herself (although I think that's more of a happy accident than a purposeful movement.) She also plays with the toys now, spins the wheels and sometimes even presses the buttons...although again, perhaps a happy accident more than anything.
And here we have Kaylee in her Bumbo chair on our kitchen counter. Its great to put her in there when I am cooking dinner or something. She is happy and content and within reach. The Bumbo seat is great--I think mostly because babies look really cute when in the sitting position. My friend, Jackie, who has a baby just 2 weeks younger than Kaylee calls the Bumbo seats their "interview chairs" because they kind of look like they're waiting to be interviewed while seated in them.
Kaylee's Tummy Time is also vastly improving. She now is sometimes on her tummy for up to 5 minutes without complaining...although its usually closer to 2 minutes before she starts squawking. She has turned over from her back to her front once now and from her front to her back twice...but we can't seem to recreate the circumstances for any of these events so I would hardly call them regular...yet. We'll get there soon enough I am sure. She certainly has no difficulty holding her head up...and when on her back she almost seem to try to be getting up to a seated position...she does little ab crunches, its very cute.
We've also taken several pictures of Kaylee with the dogs. Most of them have already landed in the scrapbook...but here are a few more: This is Kaylee and Loofy on our futon upstairs in the computer room.
And here is Kaylee with Petra on Grandma Chip's old chair. This is now completely Petra's chair and the only other living thing she allows in it is Kaylee. I just love the expressions in this picture. I didn't like it at first, but it has certainly grown on me. It almost looks like they are both looking at something sad slightly to their right.
Well that's all for now. I am getting a little better at updating every couple of days. I promise I will try to keep it up!


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! I wasn't going to get Kaylee a special "outfit" for V Day. It seemed kind of silly to me and money is tight until I actually receive a paycheck. But when we went to the mall and the Disney Store had already marked its holiday stuff down by 40% I couldn't resist this little onesie for $5.
It was a special Valentine's day for Grant and I as well. A rather large snowstorm hit and we decided that we weren't going to work. The commute is an hour for me, and with precious cargo in tow I am no longer willing to risk driving to work on snowy days. I'd rather forfeit a days pay than risk a car accident AND lose several years from my life with the stress of driving.
As you can see though, we got up and got dressed for work...all in red for the festive day. We really didn't decide we weren't going until we made ready to leave and really took a look outside. With an all day snow storm, to have to drive in this all the way to work AND all the way back, just didn't make sense to us!
Anyway, that's all I have for now:) More later.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Cereal Anyone?

So, about a 10 days ago, Kaylee had cereal for the first time! It was wonderful. She loved it.
She even tried feeding herself...and mostly managed to get the spoon to her mouth by herself, sans any food remaining on it.
Look at my messy girl. Isn't she beautiful? That's a rhetorical question, don't answer it.
More later:)

Thursday, February 8, 2007

An actual update

Things have been crazy. I actually have to go back to work, starting on Tuesday. We've known for a while. I actually spent time looking for a new job, but in the end, it just made more financial sense to go back to my old job. Kaylee will be going to daycare 3 days a week, going to my parent's 1-2 days a week and getting an extra day with Daddy every other Friday as he has every other Friday off (lucky bastard.)

It's heartbreaking actually. In reality I only need to bring in a part time income, but in order to work partime I have to get her into daycare which really means I have to work full time in order to pay for the daycare. Isn't that ironic?

So I had a choice to make, I could get a part-time job, work evenings and weekends for $10 or less an hour and never see my husband. Or I could go back to work full time and have to put Kaylee in daycare, but get to spend time as a family every evening for a couple of hours and all weekend long. I opted for number 2.

Wish me luck...I start on Monday:(