Thursday, February 8, 2007

An actual update

Things have been crazy. I actually have to go back to work, starting on Tuesday. We've known for a while. I actually spent time looking for a new job, but in the end, it just made more financial sense to go back to my old job. Kaylee will be going to daycare 3 days a week, going to my parent's 1-2 days a week and getting an extra day with Daddy every other Friday as he has every other Friday off (lucky bastard.)

It's heartbreaking actually. In reality I only need to bring in a part time income, but in order to work partime I have to get her into daycare which really means I have to work full time in order to pay for the daycare. Isn't that ironic?

So I had a choice to make, I could get a part-time job, work evenings and weekends for $10 or less an hour and never see my husband. Or I could go back to work full time and have to put Kaylee in daycare, but get to spend time as a family every evening for a couple of hours and all weekend long. I opted for number 2.

Wish me luck...I start on Monday:(

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