Since we got to the island around 11am, not many folks had arrived yet (well except those that are there a lot longer than that 1 weekend) so we decided to take a nice relaxing dip in the ocean. Brrrrrrr

Check out our waterdoggie!

Anyway...the next morning, bright and early we head back to the island where cousins Sam and Julie vy for Kaylee's attention and feeding rights.
And after her morning bottle, Jim offers to take us on a boatride.
Kaylee enjoyed the vast openess of the ocean.
I can see the little sea-farer in training we have here...she's definately her father's child.
Here's Auntie Abbie and G-Pa in a silly moment on the boat.
Later that day, there was a talent show, and the whole clan gathered for the hilarity of it all.
Kaylee grew bored of those festivities so she wandered over the sandbox behind the audience.
She found several little cousins there...
Here's Graham...he's the same age as Kaylee. They shared a moment, and the sandbox toys.
And here's Dakota...look at the way Kaylee is looking at him. Shhhhh don't show this one to Daddy.
On Sunday, "Auntie" Danielle met us at our hotel to spend the morning with us on the island before we had to head home to NH. We all donned our bathing suits and headed over hoping to get another dip in the ocean.
And so we did!
Kaylee did some floating in her boat and some freestyle swimming and splashing.
She even managed to look all the way back to the beach where G-Pa Ron was taking the pictures.
Even Danielle managed to get into the chilly waters...eventually!
After a swim, it was back to the Blair's house for a sandwich before we made our round of goodbyes and hit the road.
Phew--what a trip. It was fun, but we were all glad to get home too. There are a lot more pictures...but that's all I have the patience to post.