So, on Friday July 13th, we packed up our little bundle of joy and headed basically about as far north in NH as you can get. And I do mean was practically a different world, no cell service, no fast food, no movie theater within a half hour drive (the closest was almost an hour and had only one screening room showing only one movie).
Anyway...Grant's childhood friend Bill was getting married at a beautiful outdoor ceremony on his family's sprawling property near Colebrook.
Kaylee had a wonderful time and she got to see all of Grant's family was there as they were all family friends of the Bakers and thus in attendance.
Here she is at the ceremony awaiting the bride's appearance with Auntie Abbie, while G-Pa looks on. Abbie came up with G-Pa as a name for Grandpa Ron and I really like it so I am going to continue to call him that and hope that it sticks for Kaylee.

After the ceremony we did a quick photo shoot with Groomsman Daddy. He cleans up pretty well don't you think?

Here is Daddy in a thoughtful moment, perhaps reflecting on the ceremony? Probably not, I believe he was deciding between Corona and Coors. As a fashion note, Kaylee's dress was provided by Mommy's former co-worker Deb. I had been saving it for the wedding and I am so glad I was beautiful. Thanks again Deb.

Before the new Mr. and Mrs. Baker were announced into the reception area, Kaylee had an important phone call to make.

At our table we met one of Kim's (the bride) cousins, 4 year old Joe. Kaylee was quite taken with he was with her.

He asked if she could come out and play in the yard with him...but seeing as she can't yet walk (or crawl) I had to decline. However, as you can see she was becoming quite smitten.

Here you see Daddy contemplating his future shot-gun license. If her behaviot with Joe is any indication, we are in for a world of hurt when it comes to boys in the future.

Believe it or not, I only put a few of the pictures taken of her and Joe on the blog...I have many more for the archive/scrapbook. Everyone please take a moment and put a small prayer in your head for poor Daddy. He was having a hard time with just the innocent baby flirting we had here...can you imagine what he's in for later?

And lucky us, we got a picture of our little girl (now in her PJs because we were going to be leaving shortly) with the groom, Bill.

The wedding was beautiful. All in all, Kaylee behaved amazingly. She spoke out just a few times during the ceremony but in a cute way that the bride/groom probably could not hear and the surrounding attendees thought endearing. She also remained not so cranky even a full hour past her bedtime allowing us to enjoy the festivities a little longer than we thought! She is an amazing baby!
That's this weekend's update!
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