Someday, I am going to have to
discipline myself and make myself do
separate posts for
separate events or at least
separate days...but that time is not now...
Anyway, last Wednesday, August 15
th, the local MOMS Club had their new member brunch...which Kaylee and I attended. We got to meet some new people and have some food. We didn't stay too long because it was very very hot out, but Kaylee just had to try the swings out...she'd never been in one after all.

"What does thing do anyway Mommy?" Kaylee inquires.

"Well," I reply, "you sit in it and it goes forward and backward, and you get to feel like your floating."
At first Kaylee doesn't seem to sure.

But after a few "
tos and
fros" she seems to think its pretty darn good.

"More Mommy, more," she squeals. And I happily obliged.

After a good 7-8 minutes of swinging, I deemed the sun too strong and decided to get the munchkin out of it. I told Kaylee the news and she
acquiesced to my judgement saying only, "OK Mommy, but can we get a swing at our house?"
"We'll show daddy and your grandfathers the pictures I just took of how much fun you had in the swing and maybe they'll start building that
swing set for you soon," I promise her.

As of Thursday, Kaylee still wasn't napping. These pictures were taken from her doorway with the lights off (the flash on obviously). Instead of sleeping, Kaylee has decided to explore her crib...see how the mobile works.

She couldn't bare to face me when I had caught her in the act, but you can see her
mischievous smile...napping was not in the forecast.

Friday morning
brought moments of cuteness...Kaylee back to experimenting with her
sippy cup, showed me how it was done.
She even gave a little smile for the camera as she expertly extracts the water from its container!

Look at those eyes!

Later that afternoon, her friend Emily stopped by. These girls have become such good friends that they've decided to share a credit account.

"OK Emily, its my turn to go shopping now," Kaylee says.

Saturday morning, Kaylee was in high spirits, as usual. She's not really content to sit around these days...she likes to be standing and scooting along the furniture.

"Again, with the camera mom?!?
Yeesh, give it a rest already!"

In attempt to get away from a camera happy mommy...Kaylee makes her escape.



And then we met up with our neighbors for a nice walk. Don't let the jackets fool you...its still August, it just got a bit chilly this weekend.
Kaylee and Bailey had some catching up to do!

These girls usually only see each other while in their strollers. The last time poor Bailey was at the house, Kaylee napped the entire time! Oh well, they're starting early on their exercise buddy routine. For now its the
mommys and
daddys doing the exercise, but that's alright by them.

After our walk with Bailey & Co, "Uncle" Ben came over! Kaylee ate her cookie in his lap and smeared her fingers all over his shirt! But hey what are "uncles" for?

Wow, what a busy Saturday!
On Sunday, G-Pa Ron came by to play. Unfortunately, he didn't get too play as much as we wanted because Mommy and Daddy put him straight to work helping Daddy install a screen door and build shelves in the attic to store all the stuff Kaylee has already outgrown!
They did get a little bit of playtime in though. Kaylee showed G-Pa how to use some of her new toys. "Isn't this exciting!" she shouts.

"Whatever you say kiddo," says G-Pa.

Wow that was an exciting week in review! That's all for now.