This past week was quiet...but believe me, we're not complaining.
Kaylee has now mastered crawling and is continuing to hone her eating skills and her pulling herself to a standing position skills (using everything from the table, to her toys, to our unsuspecting dogs who are just adjusting to a suddenly mobile baby.)
Here's Kaylee showing some dexterity...cheerios are no problem to this tiny tot.

"Mom, do you have to document everything!?! They are just cheerios." I'm having flashes of my future as 'lame-mom.'

No food is safe from Kaylee's
grasp these days. She loves fruit and here she's not bothering to wait for Mommy to cut it up. "I'm a big girl," she says, "I can eat the whole thing."

"Look, I think I can even eat both big girl fruits at once," she proclaims proudly.

Ok...maybe not."

On Saturday, Daddy's college buddy, Mark stopped by to see the not-as-new addition to our family. He seemed to like her, then again, who doesn't?

Oh, as of this week, Kaylee seems to have decided that naps are no longer necessary. And with her expert pulling herself to standing position skills and only remedial getting back down to sitting position skills--napping is now a full-on battle. Generally after 20 minutes of her telling me through the monitor that 'no, I am not going to nap now Mommy' this is what I enter her room to find...

Of course she's not napping, she's stuck in stand-up mode! Who sleeps standing up?!?!
Despite the no-napping strike she seems to be on for the time being, Kaylee is still a very happy, energetic baby (you'd think she'd be tired and cranky, but no)
Ok, maybe just a little bit cranky. But don't tell her I admitted that.

Today we went to visit Great-Grandma Chip at her retirement village. More like college campus...if this is really the new nursing home, sign me up? You think I am old enough yet? They've got everything. Grandma treated us to a nice
lunch at an on-site cafe.

And Kaylee treated Great-Grandma to a few of her million dollar smiles! Seems like a fair trade to me.

I took about 7 of the following type pictures, as they were holding hands, something about the generation gap of the hands just really spoke to me. I really like them, but I figured I'd only put one need to bore you with what I think is beautiful.

Then it was back to Great-Grandma's room for a walk on the terrace.

And now we're back home again, Kaylee seems to be thinking..."gee, maybe I really should have napped today."

That's all for now.
More next week sometime!
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