On Monday, after lunch we packed Kaylee and the dogs up and headed to CT to visit Ba (Daddy's Grandfather). Kaylee sported her red-
sox gear seeing that Ba is such a great fan and there was a game that night vs the
BlueJays (we trounced them thank you very much.)

Ba was gracious enough to host our entire clan and Kaylee in turn showed Ba how her new toy works. We even had time for a little walk around Ba's condo association and the surrounding neighborhood before it was time for dinner, bath and bed.

The next morning--we got up, had some breakfast and took another little walk in the other direction. Then Ba went out to do his weekly 'meals-on wheels' duties and we headed down to NJ to visit another great-grandparent.

That's right, Great-Grandma Mitzi (this time is my grandparent). We arrived at her nursing village just after lunch and went for a small walk outside. There was a nice little dog park where the dogs could exercise a bit and we took the opportunity for some photos.
Kaylee is getting a bit too big to be held easily these days...that and she was super squirmy for freedom after being cooped up in the car so long...so I stepped in to try and keep her on Great-Grandma's lap just a few more moments. But alas, even I am not too much help. It was a bit warm out so we headed back inside to continue our visit.

But the photos didn't stop there...Great-Grandma managed to hang onto Kaylee one more time, even though it wasn't on her lap...too bad she wasn't looking at the camera!

Kaylee showed Great-Grandma Mitzi that she knew how to use a walker too.

Great-Grandma had a lot of fun showing the staff and some of her resident friends the newest addition to the family...I hope she enjoyed the visit as much as we did.

Then it was back in the car and back to CT to re-visit Ba for dinner. We picked up some pizza on the way in and Kaylee played with Ba after dinner while we packed up the car again. (We had originally intended on leaving Wednesday morning...but after several day time 3 hour trips with Kaylee being bored and frustrated and wanting nothing more than to move around...we decided that for our sanity a night time trip home was in order so we could be assured that Kaylee would be asleep {and quiet} for the ride.)

Ba was a wonderful host and Kaylee had a lot of fun showing him her toys (and taking them away from him if he dared get too close.) Thanks for everything, we were glad to get some nice quality time in with 2 of Kaylee's Great Grandparents!

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