Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Week in Review

Gosh remember when I used to be good about updating every few days? Yeah not so much these days...but here's the past week (more or less.)
Today Grammy and Grampy visited, so we called Jackie and Emily to come over and grab some free babysitting while we did a little bit of scrapbooking.
Grampy's famous "buuk in a box" routine has jumped generations...and here we have 2 buuks, in a box.
Then it was Kaylee's turn to be the solo buuk in the box.
And then it was Emily's...
And then it was time for some "rough seas" ... in a box. The only reason we even buy toys anymore is for the hours of enjoyment the boxes bring. Yup...that's right, its cold in New England, and I have broken out the winter-wear for Kaylee. I think she looks so cute all bundled up...I just had to share it with you.
And again!
"Alright, Mommy," Kaylee said, "You put this on me because you said I'd be cold outside, but you're spending so much time taking my picture that I am starting to overheat inside!"
The box pictures above is a result of this little purchase courtesy of Kaylee's great-grandmother. We now have a Kaylee-sized table, perfect for snacks and coloring and all sorts of fun things.
As of now, Kaylee can get out of her chair, but can't quite get into it, so when she wants to sit down at her table she goes over and bangs on the seat of a chair until I lift her into it. Charming, yes?
On Friday, after hitting the gym, we headed over to Jackie and Emily's house. Now that they are back from Florida/New Jersey Kaylee and Emily couldn't wait to catch up.
"Look Kaylee, I still have my birthday balloon, isn't it cool!?" exclaimed Emily.
"Can't you see I am trying to drink my milk?" Kaylee said.
"Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmy," Kaylee wailed, "All I want is to drink my milk in peace."
I told her that Emily just wanted to play and she could continue to drink her milk.
Although...Emily looks like she has something else in mind...
"See I told you she won't let me drink my milk in peace," Kaylee mumbled.
And last but not final cute picture of some pigtails!
And that's all I have to say about that.


In My Shoes said...

omg...soooo funny! I love the pic where kaylee is giving em that "look" are too cute!

Andrew S Wienick said...

Yeah, I don't think we miss the whole "having to bundle the child up" deal at all ... that was the worst with Nate, since he was ALWAYS bigger with his coat than our child-seat would handle...