I haven't been feeling all that great lately so I haven't taken as many pictures as I usually do, but I'll share what I have. I also am not really in the right mood to be witty, so you'll have to deal with boring anecdotes, if any.
Yesterday, our friend Ben came over and he and Daddy caught a few pictures of munchkin finding their beer stash...

"No, Emily! Its my turn on the Zebra," Kaylee said.
Kaylee and Emily had a play date at our home a couple of weeks ago, while Jackie had a doctors appointment. The girls had lots of fun as usual.
And here's our award winning smile.
Here are a few pictures from Christmas that I got from my sister when she visited this week, thought I'd share them. Here's our arrival at Grammy and Grampy's house.
Many presents ensued.
And more presents.
Uncle Darren (and Auntie Jacqueline) gave Kaylee her shopping cart, which she just loves.
"I sure made out like a bandit," thought Kaylee.
"Here Grampy, I just have too much stuff, can you hold this please?"
"Mmmmm lunch."
Duncan wouldn't mind getting in on that lunch action Kaylee. You'd better protect your plate!
Alright, I promise I'll get better about taking more pictures again. Ciao.

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