Well I finally get around to posting in February and I don't even have that many pictures...I just have not been all that camera-happy lately. Maybe its because I am way behind on my scrapbooking so I am subconsciously making my picture load lighter so that it will be possible to catch up at some point? I don't know. But here are some pictures of what we've been doing.
At the beginning of the month, Loofy had surgery on his ear. We couldn't get the bandage wet so when it rained, we had to cover it with a shopping bag. It was so pathetic, that it was definately picture-worthy!

Hey you'd be pissy too if you knew evidence was being obtained of your pathetic-ness!

Here's Kaylee and Daddy in a lazy but very cute moment, watching Saturday morning cartoons together.

Last weekend we went to Vermont to see G-Pa and our friend Mike joined us for some skiing. We all had breakfast together.

G-Pa was a wonderful host as usual, you just can't beat his breakfasts.

Even Kaylee thought breakfast merited applause.

Kaylee made sure to have a little one-on-one time with Mike before it was time to head home.

And who's that in the puppy's crate? Kaylee just wanted to check out the optional accomidations.

She thought better of the rest of the house though..."too cramped in there," she thought.

Hey, that's who belongs in the crate, here's Mike's puppy, Nutmeg. Lucky Nutmeg didn't appear bothered by the intrusion.

Well that's it, sad I know, I figure I'll get back into the camera thing eventually. Hopefully that is enough to hold y'all over for now. Ciao.
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