Well I don't have much to report. I am feeling better now that I am officially in the 2
nd trimester...but I admit the camera hasn't been out that much more than it was in the 1st trimester. Here's some cute ones I took this week though.
Here's Kaylee supporting her parent's
alma mater---the good
ol' brown 'n' blue.

I try to limit Kaylee's TV intake, but in the afternoon I am usually pretty zonked and in order to buy a little bit of time to start dinner before Daddy gets home, I plug Kaylee into some Sesame Street time...and she loves it!

Of course, she also loves climbing on the couch and

And insisting that Mommy read that story...
Loofy, still recovering from his surgery. We're keeping our fingers crossed, so far so good.

And that's this week's update. More later!
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