Unfortunately, this is the last picture I took of Kaylee and her Great-Grandmother. My Grandmother passed away early Wednesday morning, and I am mainly telling this as a
cathartic exercise for myself and to let any family know that my mom may not have talked to yet. In the Jewish tradition, she was laid to rest only 48 hours later, before the
Sabbath, so my mother has been understandably busy. Grandma Mitzi died in her sleep, which is the most anyone can ask for in my opinion. On 1 hand, I am kicking myself because I didn't think to start taking pictures of Kaylee and she until after Kaylee had started becoming cranky and we were packing up to leave. On the other hand, I am so thankful that we just visited her last month and we got to say goodbye, especially since we were so close to calling the whole trip off at the time.
Grandma, we love you and we're sorry Kaylee didn't have more time with you and that #2 won't get to meet you at all.

Now, after that, is it even possible to share what's been going on in our mundane lives? I say yes, because Grandma would have wanted to know...
At our local homemade ice-cream parlor, the MOMS Club got a little tour prior to daily opening to see how they make ice-cream. And of course...what tour would be complete without samples?

As you can see, Kaylee quite enjoyed her first taste of ice-cream. It was fresh out of the machine, and I must say, it does taste pretty darn good before frozen!

At first, Kaylee didn't want to try it, so Mommy took a bite and then all of a sudden it seemed more interesting. So she took a bite. "
Nummy," she grinned. Yeah, that's what Mommy thought!

We finally got some sand for that sand and water table, and Kaylee dug right in!

Half the sand is now on our driveway...but, fun was still had!

In fact, it so much fun that Kaylee called her friend Bailey to come over and check it out!

Bailey approved of the whole thing and the girls did a pretty good job sharing the toys at the table and not throwing sand at each other.

"This is pretty cool, Mommy!" Of course now it turns out that Kaylee might be allergic to the sand as she has broken out in a big rash all over her arms, legs and torso after playing in it...but more experiments will have to be conducted. The rash is gone...and its been about 6 days since we've let her play at the table. So if she breaks out again after we let her play next, I think we'll be able to confirm it.

Kaylee can count to 10! She likes to count her toes. Daddy caught her in the act one morning...

But he was soon discovered and the counting

Lots of new things are happening this weekend. We just moved Kaylee into her new bedroom, complete with big-girl bed (pictures to come.) She's still in her crib as we want her to get
acclimated to the new room before we try to move her to sleeping in a bed, but we're trying to get her out of the crib by the beginning of August so that all ownership of said crib will be forgotten by the time #2 gets here. Along with her new bedroom digs, we've rearranged our living floor, so that 1 room has no toys in it (although obviously she brings some in) but the idea is, there is one sort of adult room and then 1 playroom. Kaylee seemed to appreciate the new set up, and now she can see all of her toys as opposed to digging through her
toy box to find something. The old
toy box is now in her new bedroom.

To demonstrate the ridiculousness of New England. Wednesday-Friday of this week ranged in the high 50s to mid 60s for temperatures, and was accompanied by rain and clouds and general drear. Yesterday (and today and until further notice), the sun showed up and it was in the 90s! So to alleviate some of the heat, we broke out Kaylee's wiggly sprinkler which I bought at the end of last season for like $3.

Kaylee was not too sure how she felt about being sprayed with cold water...but my guess is after a few more sessions, she'll be running through it.

And well, that's basically all the pictures I've taken since my last post. So that's the end of the update.