I know, I know its been too long, but what can I say, I'm tired, cranky and pregnant...blogging is not all that high on my priority list. However, I do have some cute pics so I am going to share despite the fact that I probably should be napping while Kaylee is.
Today was playgroup day and it was nice (after several days of chilly rain,) so we had the kids outside. Now there were plenty of photo-ops, but lazy-bones here (that's me) didn't bother retrieving said camera until Kaylee and Henry went on their 'second date.'
See their first date below.
Apparently the conversation was

"Check please," Henry seems to be saying!

On Saturday, Christina, Jason and Henry had all of us over for dinner. It was pretty nice, so the kids got to play outside for a while before it got too buggy. See how chivalrous Henry was being. It was almost like their first date. Not really obviously, I think its almost creepy when we moms reference stuff like that...but still...

Then it was inside for 15 minutes of the electronic babysitter while we got the table set and the food off the grill. A good time was had by all!

Kaylee loves Loofy.

Actually she really loves Petra, but Petra runs away from Kaylee's affections while Loofy tolerates them, so I only have photographic proof of her love of the Loof.
Awwwww, nice hugs Kaylee.

Here she was actually moving in for a quick smooch.
Ewwww doggy lips (at least, that's what Grampy would say.)
He makes quite a comfortable pillow you know.

"Alright, I'm bored," says Kaylee. "Enough puppy-lovin,' time for something fun."

That's a pretty good smile huh?

Here's a similar pose, sans smile.

Kaylee even wore the skimpy-nightgown-style summer dress Grammy and Grampy got her it was so stinkin hot here last week. Ninetees for 4 days in a row!

And as promised, here are a few not so great pics showcasing Kaylee's new digs. Here she is on her big-girl Tinkerbell bed. Gotta love the bed-head. We always get Kaylee dressed first thing in the morning, however, hair usually doesn't get done until after breakfast.

And here she is taking books from her shelf looking at her big girl bed.

And that...as they say...is that!
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