Anyway, here's the birthday boy and his birthday muffin.
Kaylee approved of the cuisine.
She had a great time and even managed to sign *yes i mean sign and not sing* some of the Happy Birthday song. She learned the sign from a Sesame Street episode where the cast is learning how to say Happy Birthday to Linda.
They really did do more than just eat at the party...I just took most of the pictures around the table.
I don't know how Kaylee managed to score a seat of honor next to the birthday boy, but she and Henry do seem to enjoy quite a repoire. They are cut from the same mold sort of...both cautious and observant...Kaylee really gets excited when they get to play together.
Here are the youngest party-goers, Rowan and Emily's little brother, Oliver; they both slept the whole time!

And on Sunday, Kaylee's friend Bailey came over for a couple of hours to burn some of that afternoon/witching hour energy.
And while, Kaylee enjoys playing with Bailey, she was really interested in Sam, Bailey's little brother.
Here she is tickling Sam. She was very gentle and sweet...I hope she has as much interest when Rowan is a little older and more interactive..JPG)

And that's what we've been up to:)