Well, I hardly need qualify the following as 'cute' for that is relatively self-explanatory; however, I did want to share some of the latest pics we've taken of the girls over the past 10 days or so.

Kaylee takes this big sister business very seriously!

But she
definitely likes it!

There is no real order here, but I do know that these particular pics were actually taken today!
Rowan is starting to have a lot more alert periods...

especially mid-morning, which on weekends is nice because the whole family can take a leisurely start to the day...

but is a bit harder on weekdays when Kaylee's main activities tend to fall at that time.

Just like Kaylee...Rowan really likes this bouncer. We've gone through lots of size "D" batteries in the few short days its been employed.

This is Kaylee at Sophie's house at last week's playgroup. We don't have a tricycle for her at this time, as we also own no flat land for her to use it on!

So without a tricycle...Kaylee is forced to find other forms of amusement...like laundry baskets?
"Where's Kaylee?"

"Oh, there she is." For those of you that don't know..."Oh there it/he/she is" is one of Kaylee's favorite things to say.

Here are a few cute pics of both my little girls. I really like this one, as both eyes are open and basically looking at the camera!

Again, even though they are not looking at the camera this time...the fact that they seem to be looking in the same direction as one another endears this one for me.

One syllable sums this one up: "

Some of you might remember how much I loved this outfit when I bought it for Kaylee...and I have about 10 pictures of newborn Kaylee in it all entitled "gnome" in the appropriate directory on our file server...so naturally I had to do the same for

This outfit does make them look like gnomes, in my opinion anyway.

But I like it anyway...and look at those eyes!

While Mommy took a nap one day last week...she asked Daddy to let Kaylee do some "shaving cream" finger painting...with some very artistic results!

And a close-up of our budding artiste. Good thing shaving cream is mostly soap:)

And finally, on 1 of those lazy weekend morning starts I mentioned earlier...Daddy snuggles with his 2 girls.

I am pretty sure nothing makes a Mommy happier than this:)

Well that's about as much cuteness as I can tolerate for now:)
1 comment:
Aw, what a messy little van Gogh you have. Oh, and a cute baby, too!
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