Well, as one might expect, I haven't had much time to take pictures, or edit them, or post them. But I finally managed to dump what I had from the camera to the computer,
de-red-eye them, and have a few more minutes to get them up here to the blog.
Please excuse the probable lack of humorous
Here's our beautiful little Monkey #2 hanging out in her carseat, getting ready to go for a walk.

Its hits or miss as to whether Rowan cooperates on a walk, sometimes she falls asleep, sometimes she just sits back and enjoys the ride, sometimes she screams the
entire time! (Obviously not this time though.)

Last weekend we tried out another local(ish) park. We love our town, but getting anywhere around here takes 10-15 minutes, and that's
after we get the kids in the car.

Kaylee really liked the ammenities at this park...there's a toddler sized climbing structure that's just perfect for her.

And who doesn't like riding a ferocious alligator?

Grammy, Grampy and Auntie Jackie came to visit a little while back...they even brought Kaylee's favorite member of their little tribe...Duncan!

Here Kaylee (sort of) cooperated with Mommy's request to take a picture with Grammy and Grampy.

Rowan has been spending more and more time on her mat. She likes looking at the musical star and the other dangly objects.

Kaylee likes to play on Rowan's mat too!

She's always willing to "help" me entertain her sister.

Its been very brisk around here lately, so on one of our walks, I decided that snuggling her up with all her blankets wasn't quite enough, so into her snowsuit thingie she went.

Snug as a bug in a rug!

Last weekend we went to our local farm to get a few pumpkins and visit the animals. Kaylee really liked walking along the fence and looking at all the goats.

She kept asking the goats what they say...but they weren't all that talkative that morning.

Since I had been talking quite a few pictures of Ro in her carseat, I decided to take a few of Kaylee in hers...

"Where are your cheeks Kaylee?"

If Mommy and Daddy have anything to do with it: Rowan will be a technology junkie too. Look at this...Rowan is already addicted to checking her email. She has Mommy help her do it several times a day.

Here are a few cute pics of Rowan, awake and alert and resting in Daddy's arms.

I wonder what she's thinking about in that little 7 week old head.

I like this one, because she has a sort of, almost, smile on her face. She has been smiling for a little while now, but I have yet to be able to catch it on camera.

I took these pictures on our walk this very morning. Kaylee was eating an apple, whole! She's never done that before, but hey if that means I don't have to chop it up for her anymore, I am all for that.

It got windy so we put the hood of her sweater up for a bit...

Of course, it didn't stay that way.

That's ok, I like her pigtails. Oh yeah and about that apple...I do mean she ate it whole...core and all!

Here's a better view of her cute little hairdo today.

And that more or less catches y'all up on what the girls have been doing. As for Mommy and Daddy, all they have to say is:
Go Red Sox!
Vote for Obama!
And that, as they say, is that.
1 comment:
Way to go with the apple, Kaylee!!!
(and tell yer mom that Andy feels her pain when it comes to witty commenting)
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