Today we started a family tradition. We took a small drive north to
Charmingfare Farm for one of their Christmas events...and we were not disappointed. While we waited for our horse-drawn sleigh ride, Kaylee got to feed some animals...likes goats.

Daddy was very concerned that those goats would eat Kaylee's fingers...but I assure everyone all 20 digits are still present and accounted for.
She was giggling the whole time she was feeding them...

She got to feed the cows too. The whole time she was saying "hi cow" and "What does a cow say?
Mooooo." Our child is so self-sufficient, she answers her own questions now.

I assure you there were ponies, horses, sheep, chickens, llamas (and bears, cougars and mountain lions too--but my camera which I had just put new batteries in on the way to the farm was already running low, so I had to conserve on the pictures.) Thank goodness we're well into our research on buying a new camera! (Refer to next post for more camera rants.)

Finally our ride was ready! Pretty fancy yes? Our horses names were Calvin and Hobbes :)

We suckered some poor souls into taking a few family shots as we wound through the paths passing the bear and lots of other animals along the way.

The event we went to was called "Santa's Big Party." And finally we arrived to find Santa in his apron passing out cookies and cocoa and supervising the barbecue. Kaylee said, "Merry Christmas Santa" with some prompting...although it sounded a little more like "Berry
Misnus Santa." We're working on it...I have 19 days!

We bothered our St. Nicholas for a picture with our littlest one too, and he was happy to oblige.

But the best part of the party was definitely all the characters. At first Kaylee was a little wary and shy...but soon she was interacting and having a blast.

There were 2 characters she liked more than the was Rudolf who got showered with several hugs.

But the clear favorite was Frosty here. We must have taken 10 different pictures (on 10 different
occasions as Kaylee sought him out in the crowd.)

She doesn't know "Frosty" yet so she just called him Snowman...which I think is totally acceptable.

Again, I really wish the camera was a bit faster since there were so many cute moments that the camera could just not keep up with, but I think you can at least see that Kaylee really liked the snowman!

So we had Daddy take a shot where both girls could pose with our new friend.

And one with our runner-up in the favorite character category too!

Then it was time to load back into a tractor pulled wagon to head back...the characters lined up to say good-bye.

One of the last animals we say (and that Kaylee got to feed) were Santa's reindeer of course.
Kaylee was more than happy to give them the rest of her animal feed, which I think they appreciated in that they have a very big night ahead of them at the end of the month.

And that's what we did today! Kaylee had a blast and Rowan was really good the whole time and therefore Mommy and Daddy had a really really good time. We can't wait to do it again next year.
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