So our 15-month old is already practicing her runway strut.

We are not sure how we feel about her proficiency in walking in these little heels.

And they are not exactly 'little' heels either.

Last weekend we went to Charming
Faire Farm for Santa's Big Party. While we waited for our hayride Kaylee got to go on a hayride.

Her pony's name was Snickers.

She had a lot of fun on the little trail.

She wanted to go again, but there was lots more to see.

All sorts of animals to pet and feed. Rowan and
Bampa examined the sheep.

Kaylee got up close to the sheep and fed them some grain pellets.

It was pretty cold out, but Rowan's only demand was that she not be expected to walk. So
Bampa carried her most of the day.

Our friends the Levy's joined us.

Kaylee and Emily boogied down in the barn area.

When we finally got to the party, it was time to meet the characters...Rowan's reaction was slightly better than it was in Disney, allowing herself to be brought within a foot or so before complaining.

Kaylee, on the other hand, loves all characters and couldn't wait to give them all hugs.

Kaylee and the Christmas Penguin.

We took a quick break for some cookies and cocoa by the fire.

Rowan didn't seem to mind the Gingerbread Man.

Kaylee, of course, had to get in on that action too.

Kaylee's favorite winter character is definitely Frosty. Rowan was not as easily convinced...this was the closest she'd get.

Kaylee gave several hugs though, to compensate.

Kaylee and Christmas Bear (we didn't even bother trying Rowan with this Towering figure.)

Even though Kaylee said she wanted to go give the Grinch a can tell she wasn't quite so sure once she got up close.

Rowan became enthralled by the Christmas Penguin when he came up to say good-bye to her.

But before heading out we had to get one more picture...with the Big Guy.

We got Rowan to agree to pose too.

And finally Daddy joined the picture. Merry Christmas
Giffords (and Santa.)

We had a few fun activities in the last couple of weeks too.

Here Kaylee decorates some ornaments (which now proudly adorn our tree) at a MOMS Club Christmas Craft activity.

We also had a cookie decorating activity with the MOMS Club.


Rowan didn't decorate a cookie, but she definitely partook in the eating of one.

And finally, we all celebrated Hanukkah last week too. It was great listening to Kaylee repeat the blessing.

Of course, Mommy likes the irony of lighting the candles in our Santa hats.

Kaylee had a lot of fun lighting the candles with Mommy.

Mesmerized by fire.

And finally one with Rowan as well.

And that about wraps it up. Happy Holidays.