We hadn't seen our friends Nevaeh and Jordan for a while, so they came over to play on Friday morning. Ro and Jordan had a good time sharing blocks.
The girls had a great time playing princess.
A shared princess secret?
Then, on Saturday we headed over to Michaels for some kids crafts. Kaylee painted a Christmas Box which has yet to dry (almost 48 hours later...)
She also decorated a stocking by making a felt snowman.
Rowan made a snowman stocking too. Ok, ok, Mommy did most of the work for her.
But Rowan did help, I swear.
Mostly she just had fun watching.
On Sunday, Daddy's company hosted a Christmas Party for its employee's children. This year was the first year we got to go as it is intended for children 3-9. Kaylee had a blast and even Rowan liked meeting Rudolph and his shiny red nose.
Kaylee especially liked Frosty and Crystal.
Of course, who wouldn't?
Pooh Bear? Well our standards might be a little high after Disney. So we'll just call him Christmas Bear.
Snoopy and Donald(?--again, I'm a Disney snob now) were on hand too, and Kaylee wanted to meet them all.
Even Clifford showed up. Rowan really loves "Dogs"...but this one was so big she preferred to wave from a distance.
Then it was time to go inside and see the show. It was really fun, they had a magician and a very talented clown. Kaylee was riveted. And Rowan, well, she was Rowan, but considering she did very well.
Then all the characters came up on stage to say Merry Christmas and welcome their special guests.
Santa and Mrs. Claus! They came up and said hi to everyone and then revealed the toys they had brought for each good girl and boy. Kaylee's toy was really excellent, she's played with a lot since. We had a great time and are especially thankful for Daddy's company for hosting this event, especially in a year when I think no one would have been surprised if it were skipped.
Afterwards kids could get their picture taken with Santa. Now this was Kaylee's 3rd or 4th opportunity to say hi to and sit with Santa this year. Each other time she refused to go anywhere near him. The secret to success is obviously Mrs. Claus. But hey, at least I got a picture of both girls with Santa. (I would have preferred to stay out of the picture, but Rowan is definitely in stranger anxiety phase, so it was this or screaming Rowan on Santa's lap.)

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