After my honeymoon with our new camera, life got the better of me and I am back to only remembering my camera on
occasion. Of course, it doesn't help that the blasted thing is so big now that taking it with me is certainly not as simple as throwing it in my purse anymore...
But, here are the things that I apparently did
think were photo-worthy!
Our little monkey princess doesn't always nap...and I am
ok with that as long as she observes "quiet time" in her room giving both her and Mommy time to decompress...well sometime last week "quiet time" was not exactly that. Kaylee was quite happy to give us a tour of the damages though.

Is it just me or does it look like this is the result of a tornado rather than a rampant toddler?

The poor Rose-Petal Cottage! Don't worry though, we were able to salvage most of the wreckage and Kaylee has not repeated her whirl-wind of terror since. (Excuse me, I have to go find some wood to knock on.)
Bampa came for a visit last weekend. He brought with him a gorgeous hand made, perfect for our needs train table (which I apparently didn't think was photo-worthy, I'll get right on that!)

Its perfect and after
Bampa and Daddy did some manly type chores,
Bampa made sure to spend some time with his beautiful grand-daughters. Kaylee loves to color, and whether
Bampa is only pretending or not...she loved it!

Here's an "
awwwwww" moment for you...a quick
noozle for the sisters.

Rowan is officially an expert sitter-upper, although Kaylee doesn't mind trying to derail that promotion by knocking her on her back
occasionally. However, she is also enjoying
Ro's new-found independence as it means Kaylee is able to play with her on her level a lot more often.

I finally managed to get both of the girl's attention at once...albeit not the best expressions on either of their faces, but hey, at least they are both looking.

afore-mentioned professional sitter-upper!

And while she is able to sit up on her own now, sometimes Mommy has need to protect herself from
marauding canines and territorial toddlers who might do her we're lucky that she still loves her
Bumbo Seat. Here Rowan managed to give Mommy a quick smile even though all she really wanted to do was...

get back to her book. "Its a real page-turner Mommy," she told me.

Unfortunately for her, she has not yet mastered that whole page-turning concept, so she had to settle for a really close look at the page Mommy stuck her on.

And to round out yet another
mish-mosh's two more really cute ones of

You absolutely cannot beat that little smile!

That's all folks.
I'm willing to bet that Nate's a more chaotic tornado than Kaylee is...
I am not so sure about that, but then again he does have 4 months on her...
Yeah, the extra inches come in handy for something, I guess...
(you can't leave anything on the counters anymore)
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