Monday, July 27, 2009

The Maine Event 2009

Every July in recent memory and for the foreseeable future, we head up to Maine for at least the day to see a big portion of Daddy's extended family. What passes for a beach up there is not what one (or at least I) would really consider a beach, so Kaylee is on the 'watch only' list for now. But it was still nice to sit on the rocks by the ocean and watch the boats and some of the older cousins swimming.This is cousin Lauren's cat: Emma. I am not usually all that into cats, I mean its not that I dislike them, its just that I like them as other people's pets...but Emma was gorgeous.
And I usually don't toot my own horn about photography...but I think this is a fabulous picture. It probably helped that Emma was a photogenic cat.
Kaylee loved both Emma and Gary (here) and if her attention is any indication I fear I may one day have to count myself in the cat owner column.
Although I am still holding out hope that she prefers dogs but since she has two of those the novelty of cats is much bigger. That does not change how much Kaylee was following poor Gary and Emma around though.
While Kaylee chased the cats inside...Rowan and Daddy got some hammock time outside.
Rowan really liked it.
Rowan got some good bonding time in with Bampa too.
And got to show off her mad 'almost walking' skills.
Eventually it all just got to be too much and she took a little snooze in the least this proves she can do it which bodes well for our Disney trip in 6 weeks!
Rowan and cousin Sam(antha.)
Rowan and cousin Lauren. Lauren and Sam are twins.
Kaylee dancing through the smoke of the campfire.
Kaylee and cousin Sam dance through the campfire smoke.
They did a lot of dancing to the music in their heads.
Kaylee and cousin Graham got to toss around the old pigskin.
And then they enjoyed some tickle-time with cousin Hans in the hammock.
Here's Kaylee jammin' to cousin Josh's sweet tunes.
He even let her try to strum a few notes.
An impromptu campfire sing-a-long.
The theme of this year's reunion was Christmas in July, complete with handmade gifts for a silly Yankee Swap.
Rowan and Daddy watched
as Bampa and Kaylee picked out their gift.
And this has nothing to do with Maine...but I thought it was cute, and yet not deserving of its own post.
Rowan is crawling now by the way...but she doesn't like it...she much prefers walking which she just can't quite do by herself yet.
And that, as they say, is that.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

An introduction to the Theater!

Given that Kaylee and Rowan's parents are theater was inevitable that we would introduce our children to the theater. Last Friday I took Kaylee to Winnie the Pooh at the local high school. We went with Henry and Sophie. Kaylee was riveted. She absolutely loved it. And after the show she got to meet the cast. Here's Kaylee and Pooh.
Her favorite character was Tigger, who was really funny!
Piglet was really sweet and seemed to really like Kaylee.
This picture came out weird...but there's Eeyore and Rabbit with Kaylee.
Here's the whole cast!
Then this past Thursday we went to see Little Red Riding Hood. Again Kaylee was riveted. She's going to be a real Theater buff!
After the show they set up a craft for the kids and the cast joined the kids. It was really cute. We can't until next week's show.
Sweet, I am caught up again. Note: I posted twice today, so scroll down.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Day at the Beach

Last weekend, since the weather has finally decided to catch up with the season, the family got to go to the beach. It was Rowan's first time and she had a blast! She even liked to be in the water (but to be honest I've taken them again several times since and not so much.)
She had lots of fun exploring in the water and making lots of splashes.
Kaylee, now a seasoned veteran of the beach, always has fun. Be it on the beach part...
or in the water!
I like this picture because the angle makes it look a little dangerous, which believe me, it wasn't.
Kaylee is a little braver in the water when Daddy gets to go to the beach with us. I make her wear her life jacket when it is just me since I can't be in 2 places at once.
The great thing about our little beach is that there is plenty of sun and plenty of shade.
There is also a small playground with a little slide, some swings and a playhouse that Kaylee and Rowan enjoy.
Somehow, Rowan's swing pictures always come out pretty well.
And this picture, while perhaps mildly inappropriate, is really indicative of Kaylee's parentage!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I am Caught Up!

OK folks, a total of 5 posts throughout if you want to see all of the latest Giffy Girl shots, you must scroooooooooooooooooooooll down.
Daddy took this shot today with our new lense. Its our current favorite of Rowan.
Bailey and Sam came over this afternoon to bask in the sunshine with our girls. We are all just so happy to finally have the sun!
Rowan can't quite keep up with the bigger kids yet, but she didn't mind smiling for the camera.
Sam played with his future classmate for a while, they had fun splashing at the sand and water table.
And just because Rowan can't get in the cars yet doesn't mean Sam doesn't have his license.
Kaylee and Bailey did a great job sharing and taking turns. Here Kaylee even offered to push Bailey on the swing.
And then it was Kaylee's turn, and Bailey was great about it.
The 3 musketeers even had time to smile on the lounge swing. They just thought it was great that they all made it up there!
And look...they even all looked at the camera at the same time! A miracle in and of itself!
There, that should be enough pictures to hold y'all over for now. Have a great week!