OK folks, a total of 5 posts throughout today...so if you want to see all of the latest Giffy Girl shots, you must scroooooooooooooooooooooll down.
Daddy took this shot today with our new lense. Its our current favorite of Rowan.

Bailey and Sam came over this afternoon to bask in the sunshine with our girls. We are all just so happy to finally have the sun!

Rowan can't quite keep up with the bigger kids yet, but she didn't mind smiling for the camera.

Sam played with his future classmate for a while, they had fun splashing at the sand and water table.

And just because Rowan can't get in the cars yet doesn't mean Sam doesn't have his license.

Kaylee and Bailey did a great job sharing and taking turns. Here Kaylee even offered to push Bailey on the swing.

And then it was Kaylee's turn, and Bailey was great about it.

The 3 musketeers even had time to smile on the lounge swing. They just thought it was great that they all made it up there!

And look...they even all looked at the camera at the same time! A miracle in and of itself!

There, that should be enough pictures to hold y'all over for now. Have a great week!
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