Today, we went to a friend's house to have an 'end-of-summer' bash. Kaylee had a great time.

There were a lot of outdoor toys to play with, and she made a lot of use of a lot of them.

Even, the giant water slide.

Now mind you, this is a child who takes an hour to get into a pool...with much coaxing and a bathing suit.

Apparently, the way to lure this child to water, is decide, 'gee its only 65 degrees outside, she won't want to go in the water, so I won't even bother to bring her bathing suit.'

Rowan was having a good time with her own posse, friends: Alexis and Ashley.

Of the 25
ish pictures I took in this minute, there actually were a few with all 3 girls looking at me!

Alexis didn't mind sharing her ride with Rowan.

Meanwhile, a soaking wet Kaylee played some croquet with Tyler.

I am not sure the official rules were obeyed, but a good time was had.

Last week, we had a tour of the fire station, Kaylee loved exploring the engines. It would make her
Bampa proud I am sure.

Speaking of
Bampa, I hope he likes this pic, cause I am going to crop it and blow it up and give it to him.
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