We spend so much time playing with and talking about our children we often forget our canine wonders so we wanted to give everyone a quick reminder of our pals: Loofy
and Petra.
Last Thursday we went to a MOMS Club event where we got to make masks. Kaylee made a black cat. She did it mostly herself, not bad huh?
She was pretty proud of herself.
After a busy time of making masks the kiddos went outside to play on a very old, probably somewhat dangerous old-school merry-go-round.
Kaylee had a blast and Rowan really really wanted to go on it...but not yet.
Maybe next year.
Then, on Saturday, during Kaylee's quiet time (which hasn't included an actual nap in quite a while) got a little scary when her room went all quiet and we literally couldn't find her! Obviously, we eventually did, she actually took a nap under her bed!
This is a new favorite picture, taken just yesterday, this is a perfect Kaylee expression.
Rowan gives kisses on request now...even to her big sister.
As you can see, I coordinated their outfits yesterday, no reason except for that I could.
My goodness, they are both smiling and more or less looking at the camera, what luck!
After quiet time we headed outside to enjoy a beautiful fall day.
The girls played in the yard together.
We were really happy to be able to enjoy the beautiful fall weather.
This is Kaylee in the woods in the front/side of our house.
We realized Kaylee put her shoes on the wrong feet (this actually happens surprisingly infrequently.)
What do you do when you put your shoes on the wrong feet. Quick fix!
Then it was time to carve the pumpkins!
Kaylee helped; Rowan supervised.
As you can see Warden Rowan was rather displeased at the quick break Mommy and Kaylee took to smile for the camera.


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