Since we're playing major catch-up here, I'll probably keep the anecdotes to a bare minimum. We got to see some friends on Christmas Eve, which is always fun.
Christmas morning was not any earlier than any other morning (which is still early) but we figure next year will be. The girls were ecstatic with all their loot.
Kaylee wondered why Santa wasn't still there. She was under the impression that Santa stayed to watch her open her gifts. (I was prepared for a lot of questions...but that one caught me off guard!)
She wasted no time getting on her new princess phone to thank Santa for all her neat new stuff.
Then it was time to don their frilly dresses!
Kaylee's favorite gift was not from Santa, but from "Rowan."
Rowan's outfit was provided by: Emily's closet. I figure for those special occasions Rowan will never have to think she always wore Kaylee's hand-me-downs...sometimes they'll be Emily's hand-me-downs.
Then off to Grammy and Grampy's house for yet more plunder.
My Pal Violet is easily Rowan's favorite gift. Its a cute little toy, she still drags it around anywhere and always seems flabbergasted when it sings or says her name in a song/activity.
As you can see, her reluctance to part with Violet began very quickly
Then Rowan serenaded us on the piano for a while.
Kaylee, who got a whole bunch of art supplies from Grammy and Grampy, was eager to try out some of she colored a wooden duck (think those 50 cent model plane type wood, it was perfect.)
One of the girls favorite activities at Grammy and Grampy's house is too look at the new fish (read: "bish" if you speak Rowanese) mobile.
The next day, we packed up the troops and headed down to CT to Ba's place for our last Christmas celebration.
Kaylee did some couch gymnastics when she thought no one was looking.
And 1...
and 2...
and 3...
then it was time for round 3 of presents. Gosh these kids are spoiled.
I am not really sure why, but I really like this little moment of Rowan and Ba.
Kaylee's surprise favorite present was this glo-doodle from Bampa, still a big hit around here.
And then it was time for some tea.
Rowan made the seating arrangements.
Kaylee set the table.
And Meme served the tea.

And 1...

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