I have been slacking in my photo taking responsibilities. The pregnancy is starting to take over and I do feel like I am phoning it in more often these days. However, here are a few good pics from the first half of the month.
Kaylee & Rowan tackle Loofy on the chair. Its a good thing he's mostly good-natured.

Rowan really liked Halloween, she's more into dress-up now than ever before. Her new persona: a witch.

"I'll get you my pretty...

The great uncles came for a visit this past weekend. The girls are still asking for them, they had so much fun. Chuck & Buddy are so tolerant of the whims of a 2 and 4 year old. Here Daddy, Uncle Chuck and Rowan catch some fish.

Kaylee teaches Buddy the ins and out of a computer.

Chuck and the girls hide from Buddy in a rather epic game of Hide and Seek.

Amazingly patient, Buddy plays catch with Rowan...for a WHILE.

So long, in fact, that even Chuck and Kaylee had to get in on the action.

Then it was time for a rousing round of "keep the balloon up in the air."

And of course, its always fun to play "Cave." Although Rowan was apparently suffering from some claustrophobia.

At last only Buddy remained in the Cave.

What a silly game.

We had a 'great' visit.
Nyut nyut nyut. Yup, I'm lame, wanna fight about it?

And that, as they say, is that!
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