On Tuesday, Kaylee started her first T-ball session. Luckily, her buddy Bailey is on her team, cause man there must have been 16 teams (at least) of local 4 and 5 year olds.

While having a buddy on the team might be a blessing and a curse...fun was had, but not as much paying attention to the coach as there should have been kind of thing...we're just glad Kaylee had fun.


Check out the concentration.

And here's the throw!

And she got a turn at bat too.

Check out that stance.

Kaylee in the outfield, kind of reminded me of how I must have looked in the outfield 25 years ago (gulp!)

Hey, she already has the concept of 'keeping the ball in front' of her down.

She really did seem to like it.

The kids were learning the order of the bases. Hysterical! The coaches took them all around the bases a couple of times, explaining which base was which. Then they started at home plate and coach Bill says, "Ok everyone, run to first" And they all scattered every which way!

Since Kaylee had her pal Bailey, that means Rowan had her pal Shelby in the stands.

Thick as thieves and cute to boot.

Gotta love the best friend at age 3 thing.

Anyway, since that was just 36 hours ago and I've taken no pictures since, I consider myself up to date.
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