Kaylee has been quickly expanding her diet. So far she's tried Sweet Potato, Pears, Peas and Banans--and tomorrow she will begin carrots. The deal is...only introduce one new food and stick to that food for 3-4 days to determine any allergies. She vomitted quite a bit with the pears for a few days so we've dumped that from her diet. We will try them again in a few months to be sure, but who knows, maybe she's allergic to pears! One things for sure...this child loves to eat!
She definately prefers her oatmeal cereal and even her rice cereal to the fruits and veggies. Bananas seem to agree with her and sweet potatoes seem to pass her test as well. You should see the face she makes when we give her peas though!
Of course...sometimes we wonder where all the food really goes, down her throat or through the washing machine...
It's been a busy week actually. She seems to have a hard time hearing out of her right ear. We took her to the doctors yesterday, where our pediatrician recommended that we take her to a pediatric audiologist. He told us not to be concerned yet. It's possible that this is just a repricussion from the ear infection she had a few weeks ago, and in fact gave us a stronger prescription to make sure the infection is completely cleared up before we see the audiologist. So right now we're scheduled to see the audiologist April 20th.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us until then:)
Anyway, I think I hear the lil bundle of joy stirring from her nap, so I better rescue her!
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