I thought it might be nice to show a few of the pictures I've managed to snap of Kaylee while at daycare.

She goes to daycare Monday through Wednesday and seems to really enjoy it. Her teachers all love her and apparently a majority of the older children in the school (ages 3 to 5) all claim the cute baby as their baby sister.

Just like at home she loves playing in on their equipment, but unlike at home she gets lots of opportunities to socialize with other children...

Here are Kaylee and Caiden. Caiden is 2 weeks older than Kaylee and he is her "boyfriend." The first week or so when Kaylee was still adjusting to being away from Mommy (by the way she seems fine now, its Mommy who is still having trouble adjusting) it was Caiden who apparently made Kaylee smile. She would sit in the swing or the exersaucer and watch him play, and that would calm her down and make her happy. When they are together the hold hands and shriek with glee at each other. It really is very cute, even if Daddy has muttered several times about having to find a shotgun.

This is little guy is Sergio. He's a bit older at 13 months and he likes to make sure everyone shares and nobody hogs toys. The other day one of the children took a toy away from another. Sergio promptly crawled over and took the toy away from the 2nd child and gave it back to the first before returning to his cheerios.

This is Elizabeth (9 months) and Madison (15 months). Madison is actually about to transfer into the toddler room so Kaylee won't be seeing her much longer. But I am told Kaylee and Elizabeth get along really well. This morning, Elizabeth was trying to share her ball with Kaylee. And by share, I really mean she was forcefully trying to make Kaylee take it which Kaylee did not seem all that interested in...but hey, sharing is always a good thing!
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