Can you believe she's already 9 months old? She has officially been alive as long on the outside as she was on the inside. In less than 3 months we will be celebrating her first birthday...I can't get over how fast time flies. She's so big...and growing every minute.
OK, so the official stats from the doctors:
21 lbs, 10oz and 28 1/2 inches long. That's the 90th percentile in weight and the 85th percentile in length/height. I am not sure where she is getting the height from...I am a shorty afterall--oh well, by the time she is 5, she and her Daddy will be talking over Mommy's what else is new?

But the fun news that comes out of the 9-month baby wellness check up is the doctor's "ok" on moving on to finger foods...and so we shall. She got her first cheerios on Monday...and as you can see after she figured out that putting them in her mouth was a good thing, she was pretty happy.

We also tried some baby toast. It's very crunchy and she wasn't so sure she liked it at first, but...

as soon as she got that first taste in...she was all smiles again!

She loves her new ability of feeding herself. She takes about a week to eat just one its a slow go for now--but she sure does seem to be getting the hang of it!

Well that's my update for today. I will be taking more pictures and trying to update more regularly again. Ciao
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