OK, lots of pictures...but it was a busy day. Our friend's Jackie and Emily came over for lunch and some scrapbooking, and this time we actually got some scrapbooking done! That almost never happens, its usually a pipe dream, but today the girls cooperated, at least for a little while.

Emily's mother, Jackie and I always joke that all the baby books say how babies at this age don't acknowledge each other. They play side by side but do not interact...as you can see apparently Kaylee and Emily are far from the norm in that sense.

Although they are occassionally distracted by doggies or mommies or flashing cameras...

they are usually holding each other's hands or screaming and babbling at each other. (Well in this particular case, Kaylee shrieks and Emily growls. I assure you it was hysterical.)

How cute is this? They do this on their own, hold each other's hands and smile at each other. How can the "experts" say they don't acknowledge each other at this age...its just not true!

So after Emily left it was time to get ready for dinner. With the purchase of my Magic Bullet and vegetable steamer...Kaylee is being introduced to homemade baby food. It is far more cost effective and now that the doctor has given the go ahead on lots of different foods, it'll be fun. But whether its the new texture of the homemade food or the introduction of finger food...Kaylee has figured out that there are many ways to intercept a spoon on its way to her mouth, and she has great aim. Just take a look at the masterpiece tonight's dinner caused.

As you can see, she wasn't necessarily pleased that I decided to document her in all her sweet potato and rice glory, she's practically glaring at me!

Then she thought it might actually be a funny story to put on her blog, especially since Daddy was at class and missed her food art!

With that in mind she had to give a shout out to all her homies since this moment would be preseved for prosperity afterall.

"How was that mommy? Pretty cool face I just made huh?"

"Nice work, Kaylee" I said. "But now we should get you cleaned up because you are a mess."
"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!" said Kaylee. "I hate getting cleaned up, I am perfect the way I am."

However, I was able to convince her that a bath was in her best interest...and she was all ready for some good bedtime stories before hitting the sack.

Squeaky clean with spiky hair...that's the way to go.

Phew! What a busy day we had. And tomorrow will be just as entertaining I am sure.
(Yay Mommy actually posted in a timely fashion.)
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