OK--sorry for the lapse in postings. I actually didn't take that many pictures this week. Although I did take a series of bathtime pictures for the scrapbook but I am opting to leave those off the blog. Anyway...here are some really good ones though.
On Friday, Grammy and Grampy came to visit...you'd have thought it had been 5 months as opposed to 2 weeks since my mother had seen her. Nevertheless, a good time was had by all.

Kaylee has been watching Mommy brush out here hair every morning, a skill she is determined to learn herself...

Brushes are fascinating...aren't they?

We caught a few really cute looks on our monkey girl that day.

"Mommy, stop with the camera already," she says.

Kaylee has enjoyed her hippo walking toy Mommy and Daddy gave her for her birthday.

But she certainly doesn't need it to stand...she can do that on her own these days.

And she is very happy about that, thank you very much!
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