Yesterday morning, started like any other. Kaylee got up and had some breakfast...then she played around (still in her pajamas) with all her toys. I finally caught a picture of her pushing her bear around in the stroller. But after her morning nap we had a day jam packed with fun...

First...we went to Henry's house for playgroup.

We got to play with Henry and Emily (trust me Emily is around there somewhere.)

But after about an hour and a half Kaylee told me she was hungry and was going to need another nap if she was expected to go to yet another event that day.

So we went home for lunch and a nap. And when we woke up it was time to dress up in our costume's our Halloween Princess.

As you can see, princesses are very busy. They have lots of things to do and places to go...

But every now and then, they do have a moment to just sit down and relax. I like the lighting I caught in this picture...I think its my favorite one so far in the costume.

But after the photo shoot we were off to the MOMS Club Trunk or Treat event. Kaylee met a butterfly that she really seemed to get along with. Hmmmm...that butterfly looks awfully familiar...

"You're silly Mommy," Kaylee said, "that's Emily!"
Gee, I sure am glad she straightened me all out.

Then we met a pumpkin and bumblee bee...Kaylee stayed as far away from the bee as she could, while still being in the photo frame. Later she confided that she heard bees can sting!

"P-U" said Emily the butterfly as she looked all around, "what is the smell?"
Why its our friend Isabel the skunk!

And soon even more children in costumes came along! The costumes were great and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun.

And now of course, I just wanted to show off my handy work. I'd never carved a pumpkin before so I figured I'd better practice before I had a little one critiquing my work. So these are the pumpkins I carved this year...Daddy has dubbed the large one Jack and the little one is Paul.

Not to shabby, eh?

Happy Halloween everyone!
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