In a particularly cute outfit, Kaylee hat a particularly good hair day and was being particularly cute. Here are the highlights:

A better shot of said 'particularly cute hairdo.'

But make sure you're paying attention to faces she's making in the mirror too. This one is happy.

I am not sure what kind of face she's making here but it sure is cute.

And on another day, our equally 'particularly cute' other daughter was wearing a particularly cute outfit, so I had to take a picture of that too!

Close up! Look at that 'particularly cute' face.

Last Sunday we spent some time at our friend's, the
Hoch's, home.

Kaylee seems to have a thing for the younger men in her life: here she is catching up with Bailey's little brother Sam and showering him with a smooch.

Then Bailey said: 'hey, leave my little brother alone...and lets go do some climbing on furniture which we would probably not normally get away with.

And so climb all up and over the
futon they did!

And really, are 2-year-
olds ever happier than when they are climbing on furniture? I think not!

Now that 'K' and 'B' (as I call our rhyming friends) are getting the concept of a camera, we are able to get them to pose for a picture...sometimes. Not great...but a few months ago, this
wouldn't have happened at all, so we'll take it.

And on Monday, Kaylee was back at gymnastics. She's doing wonderfully and has a lot of fun. Here she is bouncing on the trampoline.

And here's our tumbler-in-training. Did you know that a somersault is as simple as one...



Then, I think it was Wednesday morning, Kaylee woke up just when I was feeding Rowan. I called to her to let her know that I would be there shortly and she was very agreeable as usual.
And when I finally did get to her about 10 minutes later. She had decided to dress herself.

I think we have quite a fashion designer on our hands.

And here's another example of Kaylee starting to get the idea of smiling for the camera, in her fabulous hat no less!

And that's the pictures I have so far. I'll try to get some from Thanksgiving up as soon as possible.
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