Last Tuesday, playgroup was at Sophie's house and the girls (as Henry was not there that day) had a lot of fun. Here are Kaylee and Sophie drawing on a chalkboard...I would say it was brave to have art supplies out all the time, but apparently not all toddlers think chalk and crayons are fine cuisine like mine does.
Of course, Emily was in on the action too...who doesn't like to draw after all.
Em and Kaylee took a quick learning break, to see what they could learn on Sophie's laptop.
They had a great time, 3 peas in a pod.
And much group art was produced. We are enjoying it while it lasts since soon enough they will be arguing over new pieces of 'clean' paper and who gets to use the green crayon first.
Back at the homestead, Rowan is slowly warming to the swing. She still definitely does not like it like Kaylee used to (and still does, I cannot tell you how many times I have to pull my 33lb toddler out of the 20lb max baby swing!)
I had another photo session trying to capture some of Rowan's elusive smiles...
As you can see, I did pretty well this time.
We think she has the sweetest little smile we've ever seen...
And even when she's not smiling she still has the cutest baby contest wrapped up pretty tight.
On that front, the last 2 nights Rowan has really slept like a champ. From about 11 to 6...not bad eh? However, she's been putting us through hell from about 8 to 10. Screaming and just inconsolable...part of us thinks that's why she's sleeping so well afterwards...
I guess that's just her witching hour...I just hope she grows out of it soon. Kaylee's witching hour was longer...I just don't remember it being so intense.
Anyway...last week we had our new friend Jordyn over. Jordyn has a little sister, Alexis who is exactly 1 week older than Rowan, so we have 2 age appropriate playmates in one family, how lucky are we! In the 2for1 category we now have: Bailey and Sam, Emily and Oliver, Henry and TBA and now Jordyn and Lexi.
The girls had a great time playing, but we ran for the camera when they started dancing on the bench.
I have no idea what was so funny...but something was.
Here we have Daddy with his girls. I am telling you nothing makes a Mommy happier than this.
Kaylee is still doing really well with her little sister. An occasional bear hug that threatens to squeeze the life out of Rowan is our biggest fear. That and the fact that Kaylee really seems to want to pick Rowan up...but so far, so good.
Then, on Sunday, Bampa came over. We had a really nice visit and Bampa even helped Daddy with a couple of 'honey-do' list items that required a strong extra hand. But the best part was the bit of bonding the girls got to do with him.
And the fact that Mommy actually remembered to gather photographic evidence of the visit...well that's just gravy.
And one final heart-warming shot. Although, I should probably insist that Daddy start taking some pictures of the girls with Mommy...or my scrapbook will be incredibly lopsided.
In other news, today will be a slow day. Kaylee had a really tough night last night. She didn't finally fall asleep until 10pm and was up at 6am. She has a pretty high fever, so we're going to hunker down under a blanket and watch a lot of television. That's what you do when you're sick right?
Other than that, things are good though. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving next week.
And that, as they say, is that.

I guess that's just her witching hour...I just hope she grows out of it soon. Kaylee's witching hour was longer...I just don't remember it being so intense.
Anyway...last week we had our new friend Jordyn over. Jordyn has a little sister, Alexis who is exactly 1 week older than Rowan, so we have 2 age appropriate playmates in one family, how lucky are we! In the 2for1 category we now have: Bailey and Sam, Emily and Oliver, Henry and TBA and now Jordyn and Lexi.

Other than that, things are good though. We're looking forward to Thanksgiving next week.
And that, as they say, is that.
Feel better, Kaylee-Bear! Being sick stinks...
(from Nate)
Thanks Nate! She has a full-blown cold at the moment...she's pretty miserable. But this too, shall pass.
Its funny that you called her Kaylee-Bear, as we often call her that as well (and Rowan is Ro-Bear.) We also call them there any hope they won't be confused?
Colds are yucky. Ew!!!
I think I got the Kaylee-Bear thing from you, actually. I like Ro-Bear ... it jives well!
And, of course, all children are monkeys, so it's apropos moniker. Jen and I call Nate that all the time ... because he hops from tree to tree, eating bananas and flinging feces...
Wait ... no feces ... or bananas. But hopping from tree to tree is believable, right?
I would say the eating bananas part is the most believable for a 2 1/2 year old...
Although...flinging/smearing feces is certainly possible too.
Yeah I am thinking swinging from tree to tree is the least believable! :)
You haven't seen Nate with a banana yet, have you. It instantly becomes a phone, and not a piece of fruit...
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