Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last Playgroup in March

Let me start by saying this is my fourth post today, so make sure you scroll down so you can catch all the action from the last 2 weeks in March...
These pictures are all from this morning's playgroup. Kaylee wanted to wear a "dancing dress" today so she chose her new apple dress ensemble. With the little kerchief I think she looks like she's ready to audition for "Fiddler on the Roof."
Playgroup was at Emily's today and Kaylee had fun playing on Emily's big wheel.
That smile told me she wishes she had one...but unfortunately our land doesn't have any flat part to it...so I don't think its going to happen.
So she'll just have to enjoy her turn when she's at Emily's house.
This next series of pictures was really cute to me...fast forward 12 years and picture the girls discussing the latest high-school gossip.
"Emily did you hear about Bobby and Susie?" Kaylee grins.
"No, tell me, tell me!" insists Emily.
"OK, well you didn't hear it from me, but I heard..." continues Kaylee.
"No way!" says Emily, "that's one bit of juicy gossip Kaylee!"
But since they are still 2 1/2 and not 14, I had to leave that little flash-forward and mediate the turn-taking on the big-wheel. At this point, I'll take the fighting over taking turns over the fighting over which boy is cuter!
Meanwhile, Rowan was enjoying her part of playgroup too. She and Oliver are definitely aware of each other.
They spent a good amount of time exchanging toys,
Gurgling and babbling at each other,
And just plain staring at each other.
Good friends in the making, to be sure.
And that brings us up to date (finally.)

Monday, March 30, 2009


Who needs Mommy and Daddy when you're big sister can entertain you for a long time by being the best peek-a-boo partner ever? I am not sure who was having more fun, Rowan or Kaylee?
With a simple washcloth, Kaylee managed to entertain Rowan for a good 10 minutes.
Putting it both of Rowan's face and her own.
The shrieks and giggles were priceless!
And did you know that peek-a-boo is a game that comes with different props?
When the washcloth grew boring...quick-thinking Kaylee brought out her bucket.
Again, the bucket went over both Kaylee and Rowan's head.
But you can see that smile, Rowan thought it was great either way.
Is there any doubt that Rowan loves her big sister?
I don't think so.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Here's a post dedicated to the smallest member of our family, all from the last 2 weeks of March. How can I not post this cute little smiling picture?
The previous picture is cute because she's smiling, and this one is cute because she's making a silly goofy face.
She is a very smiley and giggly baby these days...as long as she can see Mommy! Just ask Daddy, when Mommy has to go shower the water works are both in the bathroom...and out! (Nyut, nyut, nyut...man perhaps I should be taking a nap instead of posting to the blog...)
That whole sitting up thing on soft surfaces is still not necessarily her forte.
But she's usually happy no matter where her center of balance is.
"I'm ready for my close-up!"
"OK, that's close enough!"
"Look at my St. Patrick's Day garb," exclaims Rowan,
"And by 'my' I really mean Emily's, cause we all know Mommy doesn't buy this stuff!"
"I bet Mommy wishes she did though, cause I ain't I stinkin' cute?"
"Well, I suppose as long as she has Emily's closet to scavenge, Mommy won't change her ways...for now!"

Saturday, March 28, 2009


OK, as the title suggests, these are a bunch of pictures of Kaylee from the last 2 weeks of March.
Kaylee almost always requests painting as one of her daily activities...and while sometimes I try to steer in another direction, I generally like to let her express herself artistically. On this day, she wanted to finger paint which we usually do on the table...but she wanted to do it on the easel. Well, who am I to argue with the artiste!? Kaylee wasn't so interested in showing off her finished masterpiece, but she did think I should take a picture of her hands!They were the most fun part of the experience after all.
We've finally started to warm up around here and consequently we've been able to play outside a lot more. Kaylee didn't mind smiling for the camera while she colored our driveway with chalk. She was just so happy to not be couped up in the house on a sunny day!
You can even see the natural sunny filter my lens had...
We drew all sorts of shapes on the driveway and then to practice shape recognition, I had Kaylee jump to them in the order I called. Kaylee is very advanced. How many 2 1/2 year olds do you know that can differentiate between a hexagon and an octagon...not to mention identify a trapezoid?!
I was just fooling around with the camera but I caught a few action shots of the jumping with minimal blurring.
These 2 pictures for Auntie Abbie and Bampa...check out that form! Is there a new skier in the family?
Don't get too excited though, I am still not planning on putting wooden slabs on this one's feet for a few more winters.
"Hooray" shouts Kaylee, "I love playing outside!"
Daddy caught these shots of Kaylee marching around the house in her princess crown (courtesy of trick-or-treating thank you very much!) shouting, "Rosie's a princess."
Rosie is the little sister on one of Kaylee's favorite television shows, "Caillou."
We tried to get her to say, "Kaylee's a princess," but to no avail. We don't care though...we know she's our princess!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

One Pic Post

I don't really have anything to add, and this post just has one little picture, but this was just too cute to not post. Kaylee loved Christmas lights, they always made her happy, even when she was throwing a fit. I remember after we took down our tree the year she was a baby, we draped the lights over our china hutch so that we could turn them on for Kaylee to make her happy. Well Rowan couldn't have cared less about Christmas lights...but she loves our dryer! When she's really sad, you can put her in front of the running dryer and that usually does the trick. The problem is, it has to be full. I've tried just putting 1 or 2 things in to help calm her down when she's particularly upset...but that hasn't worked, only when it is full and running does it work. But, anyway...that is Rowan's new hobby; standing, mesmerized, in front of the dryer (yes, I said standing!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

a quick visit

On Saturday, some of Daddy's family decided to drop by for a quick visit. As you can see, Kaylee was very excited about her visitors.
Or was it lunch she was excited for?
I think it was lunch with her visitors that made Kaylee so happy!
Rowan was excited too, as she got a Minnie Mouse ear-hat to match Kaylee's (given to her by her Californian buddy, Nate). This is especially important, as we are planning on making a pilgrimage to every child's Mecca in September to celebrate Kaylee's 3rd birthday. Matching hats are a must!
All hats aside, Rowan just liked spending some time with her aunt (as long as Mommy didn't stray too far.) Rowan's clingy-ness has actually helped some things though. We used to call the girls Monkey 1 and Monkey 2, but Kaylee has reclaimed her Monkey title and Rowan is now my little Orangutan.
Here's Ro and her happy Auntie.
The short visit was nice, Kaylee liked seeing her Auntie, Josh and Memay.