Here's a post dedicated to the smallest member of our family, all from the last 2 weeks of March. How can I not post this cute little smiling picture?

The previous picture is cute because she's smiling, and this one is cute because she's making a silly goofy face.

She is a very smiley and giggly baby these long as she can see Mommy! Just ask Daddy, when Mommy has to go shower the water works are both in the bathroom...and out! (
nyut, perhaps I should be taking a nap instead of posting to the blog...)

That whole sitting up thing on soft surfaces is still not necessarily her forte.

But she's usually happy no matter where her center of balance is.

"I'm ready for my close-up!"

"OK, that's close enough!"

"Look at my St. Patrick's Day garb," exclaims Rowan,

"And by 'my' I really mean Emily's, cause we all know Mommy doesn't buy this stuff!"

"I bet Mommy wishes she did though, cause I ain't I
stinkin' cute?"

"Well, I suppose as long as she has Emily's closet to scavenge, Mommy won't change her ways...for now!"
With Rowan mugging for the camera at such an early age, I expect her to be a [pre-]teen rock idol of the "Hannah Montana" caliber by the age of 12...
are you trying to put me into an early grave...:)
You got me! How you figured it out, I'll never know...
Just sayin' she's got a great smile ... and those rosy cheeks are gonna get her far!
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