OK, as the title suggests, these are a bunch of pictures of Kaylee from the last 2 weeks of March.
Kaylee almost always requests painting as one of her daily activities...and while sometimes I try to steer in another direction, I generally like to let her express herself artistically. On this day, she wanted to finger paint which we usually do on the table...but she wanted to do it on the easel. Well, who am I to argue with the artiste!? Kaylee wasn't so interested in showing off her finished masterpiece, but she did think I should take a picture of her hands!

They were the most fun part of the experience after all.

We've finally started to warm up around here and consequently we've been able to play outside a lot more. Kaylee didn't mind smiling for the camera while she colored our driveway with chalk. She was just so happy to not be couped up in the house on a sunny day!

You can even see the natural sunny filter my lens had...

We drew all sorts of shapes on the driveway and then to practice shape recognition, I had Kaylee jump to them in the order I called. Kaylee is very advanced. How many 2 1/2 year olds do you know that can differentiate between a hexagon and an octagon...not to mention identify a trapezoid?!

I was just fooling around with the camera but I caught a few action shots of the jumping with minimal blurring.

These 2 pictures for Auntie Abbie and Bampa...check out that form! Is there a new skier in the family?

Don't get too excited though, I am still not planning on putting wooden slabs on this one's feet for a few more winters.

"Hooray" shouts Kaylee, "I love playing outside!"

Daddy caught these shots of Kaylee marching around the house in her princess crown (courtesy of trick-or-treating thank you very much!) shouting, "Rosie's a princess."

Rosie is the little sister on one of Kaylee's favorite television shows, "Caillou."

We tried to get her to say, "Kaylee's a princess," but to no avail. We don't care though...we know she's our princess!
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