Well Kaylee has been able to spend some time with a few people who are very important to me. I figured since I had some fake "aunts" and "uncles" and "cousins" growing up...so can Kaylee.

Although, unlike my parents, I plan on explaining fairly early that they are not actually related to her but rather just very important people to the family (that can often be even closer to us than our actual blood relatives.)

Anyone need to be told which one is Ben and which one is Danielle? We all love Danielle dearly, but Kaylee definatley has a thing for her uncle Ben; she just adores him. He gets these big smiles from her and she even reaches out for him to pick her up when he is near. He just has a way with babies...so I guess him being an infant teacher at a daycare is the right career path for him. I wish he worked at a closer center...if it was at all feasible I would bring her to the one where he works...but it just is SO far out of the way of my already ridiculous commute that it is not possible:(
Still she sees him every few weeks...and that seems to be doing fine for now.
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