A few more pictures before the princess wakes up and wants to nurse...
For the NY contingent. This tee is actually from her auntie Diana.

Her head is resting on her frog pond--which we use in futile "tummy time" attempts! Although, she is getting a bit better. She will stay on her tummy for up to 20 seconds before either starting to fuss or just rolling over to rectify the situation herself.

From her auntie Abbie is this foot piano. The idea I believe is to put it in her crib--but when do the Giffords do anything normally? No, we just prop it up wherever we are and let her go to town.

And there's the thumb int he mouth again--but she does really like to kick that piano and when the chicken thing on the top of it does that eerie "hello baby" she starts laughing. Apparently its only eerie to her parents.

Kaylee has also become entranced with her sippy cup. Notice, I did not use the word proficient. No no no...while Kaylee does seem to have a grasp on what the sippy cup 'could' do--she doesn't appear to have the ability (or perhaps it is only the desire she lacks) to tip the cup up so that she can free the water within. However, this minor detail does not seem to spoil the novelty of the sippy cup in any way. After she eats her dinner and while Mommy and Daddy finish theirs--Kaylee will bang, chew, and throw that sippy cup for a good long while before getting bored.

Well that's it for updates for now--that's pretty much all the pictures from the first half of April. I will off load the camera again soon and likely mass update again in a couple of weeks! Cheers.
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