On Sunday, May 20th we went out to breakfast and Grant's favorite little diner--Maryann's with our friends Jackie and Phil and their little munchkin Emily. Kaylee was thrilled at the prospect of seeing Emily again.

We brought their little seat covers...I have about 30 toys attached to Kaylee's and Emily spend several minutes trying to detach a few for herself. We decided to help her out...I mean what are friends for really if they can't share some toys. Kaylee was more than happy to part with a few for a little while.

Jackie and I agree--we don't care what all the books say about babies this age not really interacting and really just playing near each other as opposed to with each other. Kaylee and Emily are enthralled with each other. They shriek with glee at each other, smile and reach out to one another a lot! Perhaps our children are just special...but they are most certainly interacting.

Kaylee was just pretty happy throughout the meal, perhaps she was amazed about how much daddy can pack away when at Maryann's. Grant is really not that big of an eater in general--but at Maryann's he makes an exception and after a big breakfast--generally doesn't eat again until dinner.

"I really like the color of your seat cover Emily," says Kaylee as she examines the material.
"What can I say?" says Emily, "my Mommy has great taste."

I do really love watching Kaylee and Emily together, they are both so cute and really do seem to get along. I hope it lasts a long long time. Imagine, someday they could say to their children: "We've been friends since we were born...literally!"