Ok so this post title is kind of a lie, but we had to improvise! Kaylee has cut her first tooth hurray! And in grand Kaylee fashion, we only know it because we happen to see it. She hasn't complained at all. I did read that they babies complain less about teething when they start older (8 1/2, almost 9 months in this case) but I literally mean she has been happy and smiley for days now. She has been drooling a lot but I got so tired of checking her mouth and finding nothing that I hadn't even checked--but we checked today just for the heck of it...and there it was; a little tooth...lower right side.

We tried to get a picture of the tooth, but Kaylee didn't really like us trying to hold her mouth open and it was hard to get that close with the camera anyway.

This was the best we got, and as you can see (or not) there is no evidence. You'll just have to take my word for it.

So these pictures are not technically the last toothless grins as she does technically as of today have a tooth--but, from now on there will be no toothless grins.
That's all from us Giffs today! Ciao!
Congratulations! Quite a feat of strength, I think...
Nate just cut one, as well (or is in the process of being miserable from it). C'mon Number 6!!!
She's been amazing really, I couldn't believe she had a tooth considering how little she fussed.
Can you believe they are working on their chompers now? It is going by way too fast.
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