On, April 21st, Kaylee's friend Emily Elizabeth-Rae had her christening. They had the ceremony itself rather far away and so Emily's mom asked if instead of schlepping Kaylee all the way down there and then all the way back up to the Derry area for the reception, we went to the hall a bit early and set up some decorations. Truth be told, we got the easy end of a pretty good deal, but it worked out well for all because Emily's parents felt better knowing the hall was going to be all spiffy when everyone arrived and Kaylee's parents felt better not having to drive Kaylee all over and risk her "ruining" Emily's day.
Anyway...here is the cute little party dress Kaylee wore to the event, courtesy of 'auntie' Danielle.

If anyone knows Kaylee's namesake...the dress is eerily reminiscent of the dress that Kaylee wore to a ball, all pink and frilly. Really kind of scary.
Anyway...now that Kaylee is an expert sitter-upper; high chairs are our new best friends and Kaylee got to see everything that was going on!

She thought the whole thing was rather amusing actually...

She kept herself entertained throughout. The wooden rattle here is one of a set of 3 courtesy of the NY uncles Chuck and Buddy. We keep 1 wooden rattle in her diaper bag, 1 in the swing and 1 in the bedroom as she really has taken a shining to them. They are all different shapes, and I don't know if the wood tastes good or what; but they are definately among her favorite toys.

And of course--here was the girl of the hour. This little cherub is Emily. I wish I had taken a picture but the 2 girls are so funny together. They smile and shriek at each other--they really are friends!
Hah! You used schlepping and Christening in the same sentence ... funny!
What can I say...I am Jewish afterall:P
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